[03/15/18 11:22 AM] KR: Present Members: is there any difference between closures produced by these two commands?
brazil-path run.runtimefarm # this one has to be executed from the src directory of the package brazil-bootstrap -p $PACKAGE_NAME # this one is executed from the root of the workspace
[03/15/18 11:30 AM] IM: Yes: the major difference is that brazil-bootstrap does not use the dependency resolution logic as modelled by BrazilPath in the versionset; what brazil-bootstrap defines as the "runtime", "test-runtime" closures for a given VSR / package is determined by its own implementation
[03/15/18 11:33 AM] IM: Using brazil-bootstrap was a reasoned decision made early on: the main motivator (I understand) was to avoid arbitrary file access / code execution via a custom BrazilPath (or customized underlying internals)
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- The first thing we want to do to root cause something may be to try to reproduce it.
- Make use of KNET or something similar to set regularly/periodically learning/training.