Before July 2018

Before July 2018

作者: Beck码字的日常 | 来源:发表于2018-07-18 00:14 被阅读0次


[03/15/18 11:22 AM] KR: Present Members: is there any difference between closures produced by these two commands?
brazil-path run.runtimefarm # this one has to be executed from the src directory of the package brazil-bootstrap -p $PACKAGE_NAME # this one is executed from the root of the workspace
[03/15/18 11:30 AM] IM: Yes: the major difference is that brazil-bootstrap does not use the dependency resolution logic as modelled by BrazilPath in the versionset; what brazil-bootstrap defines as the "runtime", "test-runtime" closures for a given VSR / package is determined by its own implementation
[03/15/18 11:33 AM] IM: Using brazil-bootstrap was a reasoned decision made early on: the main motivator (I understand) was to avoid arbitrary file access / code execution via a custom BrazilPath (or customized underlying internals)


  1. 可以在Java包里写Python script,但是导入很多Python的dependency并不好,将来也不好维护,所以还是应该把package按照语言分开。
  2. Apollo script可以用Java写,但是可能需要一个wrapper。因为Apollo的script的名字好像需要“数字+名字”,但是没有后缀
  3. 还可以用consumed environment.但是太复杂。还要创建新的version set, 新的ops configuration等等
  4. BATSService是通过process manager 启动的,process manager 是在ops configuration里面定义的?
  5. Coral Model: (貌似是这样的)Coral Model 定义结构(structure)(API?),并且会自动提供一些很便利的工具,比如docs等,而且整合了很多工具,比如Guice,但是你可以选择用或者不用,应该是如果想用的话,他会有比较容易的方法直接用。并且在Model build之后会产生一些东西

Coral Model build之后会生成什么?这些生成的东西跟service 有什么关系?
Coral Model和environment也有关系(tutorial里面第二步是set up environment)为何?


  1. python json should/can be used as dict directly, if we want to load it, the given input must be string.
  2. The first thing we want to do to root cause something may be to try to reproduce it.
  3. Make use of KNET or something similar to set regularly/periodically learning/training.



      本文标题:Before July 2018
