DAY21 复盘

DAY21 复盘

作者: 青春正能量_ | 来源:发表于2017-04-23 23:19 被阅读0次

content marketing

definition or understanding:

To talk about marketing, I can only think about advertising, which is intended to sale products. the characteristics of marketing, in my eyes, chinese way of marketing always blow off, or to brand it into something much better than it suppose to be, especially, chinese four character make words melody than appeals to consumers. what we can see from social network, TV, Internet or form bulletin in the real world, it tend to use concise words and sentence without subjects, especially four-character words. While English advertisement use concise words, short sentence.

Though the way to sale products varies, the core of marketing is to sale, people use different ways, words, pictures, or by other ways. the real essence is to persuade customer to buy it or accept it. thus they can make profit.

so from my view, is to use different ways to advertising so as to form consensus with customer, thus it will bring profits.


Hey, guys! I've found a real magic product, Fengyoujing or Essential balm, which can cool your skin and relieve itching when you're bite by mosquitos or other insects; it has same effects as Liushen/toilet water, but costs you less in buying it; people who used all think it works well and Willing to rebuy it next time. I really benefit from it, and now I am free from the bothering of being tortured by itching at night. So you should really give it a try.


  • Day21复盘20171208


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