

作者: K日月明 | 来源:发表于2018-11-01 23:46 被阅读0次

    Scientists are growing increasingly concerned that coral, which grows abundantly in the circumtropical shallow waters near bodies of land, is evincing a paling, or bleaching effect. Though experts are still at odds over what has precipitated this event, most agree that it is a stress response to changes in habitat and water quality, including temperature variations and salination percentage, and predict a loss of 95 percent of existing coral populations.An exemplary symbiotic entity, scleractinian coral lives harmoniously with vertebrates, inver-tebrates. and plants. Corals receive nutrients in two ways: by capturing planktonic organisms with nematocyst-capped tentacles and by resource-sharing and recycling with single-celled algae called zooxanthellae. These algae live within the polyps of the coral, using photosynthesis to increase (and thereby strengthen) coral calci-fication. and providing energy for coral growth. The zooxanthellae benefit from the relationship through protection from predators and a steady supply of necessary carbon dioxide. Interestingly, it is the zooxanthellae that provide coral with its brilliant coloration.When coral loses its color, it is a sign that the single-celled algae are not able to thrive. Though not necessarily a sign of mortality, a pale, wan color indicates imminent danger and is considered a stress response. The zooxanthellate invertebrates lose their concentration of pigmentation or die altogether when stressed, turning translucent and allowing the slightly darker coral skeleton to show through the decaying tissue. Whether this response stems from anthropogenic pollutions such as overharvesting coral for the exotic travel market, overfishing coral waters, and increased water temperatures due to global warming, or from natural disturbances (storms, temperature extremes, and diseases), scientists fear for the future of the radiant corals. If zooxanthellate populations continue to decrease without recovery, their host corals will eventually follow suit, triggering a cascade of unanticipated biological events.

    Scientists are growing increasingly concerned that coral, which grows abundantly in the circumtropical shallow waters near bodies of land, is evincing a paling, or bleaching effect.

    coral 珊瑚,珊瑚虫

    abundantly 丰富地



    circumtropical 环热带分布的

    body  主体

    evince (经常间接地)表明,显示

    pale  v.使变暗淡n.围篱,范围,境界

    bleach  v.使变白,漂白剂


    Though experts are still at odds over what has precipitated this event, most agree that it is a stress response to changes in habitat and water quality, including temperature variations and salination percentage, and predict a loss of 95 percent of existing coral populations.

    still at odds over 仍然存在分歧

    precipitate 使(通常指不好的事件或形势)突然发生,加速

    a stress response to 应激反应

    variation 变化

    salination n.盐化作用


    An exemplary symbiotic entity, scleractinian coral lives harmoniously with vertebrates, inver-tebrates. and plants.

    exemplary 典型的,儆戒性的



    scleractinian coral 硬珊瑚

    vertebrates 脊椎动物(spine脊椎)

    inver-tebrates 无脊椎的,无脊椎动物


    Corals receive nutrients in two ways: by capturing planktonic organisms with nematocyst-capped tentacles and by resource-sharing and recycling with single-celled algae called zooxanthellae.

    nutrient(s) 营养物

    planktonic 浮游生物的

    nematocyst-capped 线虫囊

    tentacle 触手,触角,触须

    algae 水藻,藻类



    These algae live within the polyps of the coral, using photosynthesis to increase (and thereby strengthen) coral calci-fication. and providing energy for coral growth.

    polyp 息肉,水螅体

    synthesis n.合成,合成体

    photosynthesis 光合作用,光能合成




    The zooxanthellae benefit from the relationship through protection from predators and a steady supply of necessary carbon dioxide.




    Interestingly, it is the zooxanthellae that provide coral with its brilliant coloration.When coral loses its color, it is a sign that the single-celled algae are not able to thrive.

    brilliant 颜色鲜明的,绚丽的

    coloration n.动植物的自然色彩,自然花纹

    thrive v.茁壮成长,兴盛


    Though not necessarily a sign of mortality, a pale, wan color indicates imminent danger and is considered a stress response.

    mortality 死亡人数,死亡率

    wan 苍白的,有倦容的,疲惫的

    indicate 表明,暗示,指示

    imminent 即将发生的,逼近的(尤指不愉快的事)


    The zooxanthellate invertebrates lose their concentration of pigmentation or die altogether when stressed, turning translucent and allowing the slightly darker coral skeleton to show through the decaying tissue.

    pigmentation n.人或动物的天然肤色,天然颜色

    altogether 完全地,全部地,总体来说

    translucent 半透明的,皮肤透亮的

    decay  (物体)腐烂,(社会/文明)衰败,衰落

    tissue  (生物)组织


    Whether this response stems from anthropogenic pollutions such as overharvesting coral for the exotic travel market, overfishing coral waters, and increased water temperatures due to global warming, or from natural disturbances (storms, temperature extremes, and diseases), scientists fear for the future of the radiant corals.

    stem v.由……造成,来自,组织,n茎

    stem from 由……造成

    anthropogenic 人类活动引起的

    harvest v.收割,捕猎

    overharvesting 过捕捞

    exotic 奇异的,异国的


    due to 由于

    disturbance n.骚乱,干扰,紊乱

    radiant 辐射的,容光焕发的,光辉灿烂的


    If zooxanthellate populations continue to decrease without recovery, their host corals will eventually follow suit, triggering a cascade of unanticipated biological events.

    trigger 枪的扳机,v.触发

    cascade n.大量,瀑布

    a cascade of 一系列的(像瀑布一样哗啦啦)

    unanticipated 不曾预料到的,意想不到的

    follow suit 跟着


    It can be inferred from the passage that zooxanthellae are

    A: able to use camouflage() to blend into their surroundings

    B:dependent on carbon dioxide

    C: unable to live without coral hosts

    D: considered parasitical() to coral

    E:unnecessarv for the continued survival of coral.`




