

作者: 荼靡TwomeDT | 来源:发表于2021-11-12 19:45 被阅读0次

I am going out.

No,you’re not.

I’ve got a lunch date.

Cancel it,you’re having lunch with me.


I need your helo.

It’s one of your old boyfriends,we’re trying to track him down.

He’s been a bit naughty.

It’s Moriarty?

Of course it’s Moriarty.

Jim actually wasn’t even my boyfriend.We went out three times, I ended it.

Yes,then he stole the Crown and Jewels……and organised a prison break in Pentonville. For the sake of law and order. I suggest you

Avoid all future attamps at a relationship,Molly.

Wht do you mean IOY.

You said I own you.

You were muttering it while you were working.

Nothing,mental note.

You’re a bit like my dad. He’s dead. No,sorry.

Molly,please don’t feel the need to make conversation.

It’s really not your area.

When he was dying,he was always cheerful, he was lovely.

I saw him once,he looked sad.


You looked sad. When you think he can’t see you.

Are you OK? And don’t just say you are.

Because I know what that means looking sad when you think no-one can see you.

You can see me.

I don’t count.

What I’m trying to say is,that if there’s anything I can do.

Anything you need,anything at all,you can have me.

No, I just mean, I mean.

If there’s anything you need, it’s fine.

But what can I need from you?

Nothing, I don’t know.

You could probably say thank you,actually.

Thank you?

I’m just going to go and get some crisps.

Do you want anything?

It’s OK. I know you don’t.

Well,actually,maybe I’ll……

I know you don’t.

You are wrong ,do you know ?

You do count.

You’ve always counted and I’ve always trusted you·

But you were right. I’m not OK

Tell me what’s wrong.

Molly,I think I’m going to die.

What do you need?

If I wasn’t everything that you think I am.

Everything that I think I am.

Would you still want to help me?

What do you need?


What was today about?

Saying thank you.


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