Beneficial Nutrition Taste - open - "Gourmet" - Sensory Perception: Smell
The “Gourmet”: Their digestive system is very demanding. There is not much food they actually find tasty and which is good for them. They should only eat high-quality products and only if they are pleasing to the taste. One can try out new things, but if they did not taste good or were not agreeable, one should never eat them again. That way the body maintains the protective barriers needed for proper functioning. One should always keep up one’s personal diet based on one’s personal taste. The most important physical sense is the sense of smell. One should trust that sense when it comes to selecting food. What does not smell good, one should not eat. This body possesses an active immune system. A proper diet provided, it will become stronger and more effective.
Specialization: 4 Understanding, Channel 63/4, VERIFIER
UNDERSTANDING - Verifying established hypotheses in order to get closer to the truth.
This specialization provides me with a scientific-sceptical mind and enables me to bring everything into question and check things for their validity. I frequently feel a mental pressure to find answers to my doubts, which can also make me inspire others to question wrong assessments of what can lead us securely into the future. The answers and hypotheses I find do not necessarily have to be correct. First, it needs to be verified whether or not they are useful and valid. My mind is always focused on the future, which can cause me to have doubts and worries about my own future. It will ease my concerns if I use my mind for exploring more general topics instead of personal ones. If I utter my hypotheses out of turn, I can put considerable mental pressure on others and cause them to get a worried "headache". As far as I am concerned, the worry lines on my forehead can also deepen over the years.
Specialization: 11 Exchange, Channel 11/56, STORYTELLER
EXCHANGE - The interested and stimulating exchange of meaningful ideas and stories one has experienced.
This specialization enables me to use language in all its abundance. I am a wonderful storyteller. I am good at wrapping my experiences in life, but also the experiences of others, into stories and anecdotes, and I just love it when I gain the attention of my audience or trigger a response from them. That way, others can be highly stimulated by my ideas and experiences. I am always curious to know things and am forever in search of new ideas and answers. I am much more interested in this process of searching, than in finding the answers or the results. As it is, others frequently find my ideas more valuable than I do. These ideas are therefore less suited to solve my own problems, as the nature and result of this specialization always remains abstract and the answers that I give are not concrete and maybe not directly applicable. "The way is the goal" – that’s what is really true of me.
Specialization: 17 Conception, Channel 17/62, ORGANIZER
CONCEPTION - Establishing precise and foresighted concepts that show the logical way into the future (organizational talent).
Endowed with this kind of specialization, I need a lot of information before I can speak. The opinions I voice have to be backed up by facts and details. Other people are usually impressed by my detailed knowledge. However, when speaking out of turn, I can easily bore others with seemingly unnecessary details. This specialization is closely connected to the right eye. This eye is meant to discern logical patterns and focus on the details. I am a very visually oriented person. Pictures and graphical representation are important for me. Very often I can say more in a sketch than with words. I have the qualities of a "logical think tank". I excel at organizing others and leading them with foresight towards the future. My management qualities and organizational talent are based on my ability to grasp all details of a structure and detect possible flaws and deviations. Such qualities are in great demand in any enterprise or organization and are as such very welcome.
Specialization: 18 Optimization, Channel 58/18, OPTIMIZER
OPTIMIZATION - Taking pleasure in improvement and having a talent for optimizing systems on the basis of sound judgement.
This specialization makes me a perfectionist. I immediately see when things are not right or perfect. I have a strong urge to improve things and challenge authorities. This should always relate to improvements concerning the big picture. It is not about finding fault or being dissatisfied with myself. This quality unfolds best when my ability to judge is directed towards collective issues and matters of society. Here, the focus should always be on the process of optimization rather than on the objective. Because there is no such thing as complete perfection. And no one knows better than me.
Specialization: 71 Activity, Channel 34/20, PERSON OF ACTION
ACTIVITY - The emanation and effective expression of one's life force.
This specialization empowers me to express or manifest my life force and creative powers at any given time. This charismatic quality is very appealing to others, as long as I am actually doing something I like or even love to do. Sometimes other people consider me "non-available", as I can be deeply absorbed in my life's processes. When I engage in things I do not love, it may appear to be a matter of being busy for activity's sake and thus be hardly charismatic. No one should have the right to tell me what to do with my inexhaustible vital power. Whatever I do, it will always be a very individual matter and maybe difficult for others to understand. None of that matters as long as I love what I do. Then my actions can really get things moving. Still, I am not at all good at waiting for things. I find it very challenging to have patience with others or myself. Therefore, I may sometimes be too quick in doing or saying things.