本篇首发于公众号:学英语的灼灼 背诵单词:list1 and list2 共四十个单词 list1: ...
本篇首发于公众号: 学英语的灼灼 更多内容请关注公众号 背诵单词:list3 复习list1 and list2 ...
背诵单词:list4,复习list1,list2 and list3 list4: ballet,balot,ba...
背诵英语单词:list1andlist2 list1: bias, bid, bin, bind, biograp...
1. It may be a hard journey, but try harder and you will ...
If you're going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, don't ...
If you're going to try,go all the way.Otherwise,don't eve...
本文标题:(1)Try hard | 一个英专生的学习记录