时间官 Role Introduction

时间官 Role Introduction

作者: 督朵麻麻 | 来源:发表于2019-03-29 18:37 被阅读0次

Good evening! I’m Zhang . I am honored to be the Timer of tonight’s meeting. My job is to remind you of the time and help you finish your speech on time.

For the table topic speakers, evaluators and other role takers, please note the following rules: when I show the green card, it means you have 1 minute left. When I show the yellow card, you have 30 seconds to finish your speech. And when I show the red card, it means your time is up. However, you still have 30 seconds to finish your speech. But if you continue speaking, I will ring the bell and you will have to stop immediately.

For the prepared speakers, table topic masters, there is a little difference. When you see the green card, it means you have 2 minutes left. When you see the yellow card, you have 1 minute to finish your speech. When you see the red card, it means your time is up. If you can’t finish your speech within 30 seconds, the bell will be rung and you will have to stop immediately as well.

Please treasure and save I am looking forward to your excellent performance and sincerely hope everyone could qualified.

Toastmaster of the evening, fellow members and distinguished guests, here comes thetimer report for tognight’s session.



      本文标题:时间官 Role Introduction
