How to Read a Book D1 刘小咪

How to Read a Book D1 刘小咪

作者: Jolie_Laide | 来源:发表于2017-01-01 22:48 被阅读0次


    adj. more important than anything else 最终要的 【派拉蒙电影】
    teaching the young to read is our paramount educational problem
    例:The child's welfare must be seen as paramount. 必须把儿童福利摆在首位。

    n. 仿作,仿造品。 When you say that something is a parody of a particular thing, you are criticizing it because you think it is a very poor example or bad imitation of that thing.
    a parody of it appeared under the title How to Read Two Books and ...
    例:The first trial was a parody of justice. 第一次审判是对正义的愚弄。

    v. 常见表达: be inundated with/by something.
    to recieve so mucn of something that you cannot ewasily deal with it all 东西/信息量太大,无法轻松处理。在网络时代中的信息量极大,辨别权衡比较困难,就可以用这个表达。
    n. inundation

    n. (formal) something that is necessary before somerhing else can happen or be done 先决条件,前提常见搭配:prerequisite for/to/of
    A is the prerequisite for/of B. A是B的先决条件。
    还可以做adj. 表示“必要的”。
    prerequisite knowledge

    n. [u;c] (formal)the act of causing harm or damage;sth.that causes harm or damage; 伤害,损害;造成伤害或损害的事物。
    常见搭配:to the detriment of sb./sth.; to sb./sth's detriment
    例句: He worked very long hours to the detriment of his health.
    形容词:detrimental 常见搭配:deterimental effect/negative effect


    There is some feeling nowadays that reading is not as necessary as it once was. Radio and especially television have taken over many of the functions once served by print, just as photography has taken over functions once served by painting and other graphic arts. Admittedly, television serves some of these functions extremely well; the visual communication of news events, for example, has enormous impact. The ability of radio to give us information while we are engaged in doing other things—for instance, driving a car—is remarkable, and a great saving of time. But it may be seriously questioned whether the advent of modern communications media has much enhanced our understanding of the world in which we live.

    这段话虽然用词简单也有重复,但是个人认为是逻辑严谨的一段话,话题也是常见和常考的当代communication media与传统阅读之间的关系,四六级考生和雅思考生应该好好研究,学以致用。本段话,论点与论据搭配得当,举例论证方法多次使用。第一处举例在于just as,把radio和TV的功能作用与phoptography做了类比。第二次举例的标志for example, 把TV的积极作用做了详细说明——visual communication。第三次举例的标志是for instance,把radio的积极作用做了说明——一边开车一边听广播能够节约时间。整个段落首尾有照应,长短句结合。discourse markers用的也很到位。我会推荐朋友们仔细看甚至背诵下,以后自己写东西可以用得到。

    A doctor may do many things for his patient, but in the final analysis it is the patient himself who must get well—grow in health. The farmer does many things for his plants or animals, but in the final analysis it is they that must grow in size and excellence. Similarly, although the teacher may help his student in many ways, it is the student himself who must do the learning. Knowledge must grow in his mind if learning is to take place.

    本书的作者非常擅长举例子。How to Read a Book本身并不属于“好读有趣”的那类,为了让这本“工具书”更易懂更好玩儿,作者大量举例。此处为了说明active reading的重要之处,举了医生-病人和农民-庄稼的例子。本章后部还有把写作阅读和扔球接球做的类比。作者写作时有用到强调句,三个排列句轻微押韵。易读好背。

    Montaigne speaks of "an abecedarian ignorance that precedes knowledge, and a doctoral ignorance that comes after it."



    Real reading is serious and being a real reader is not easy. The more active you are during the reading process, the more you get. Reading and listening is actually not totally passive, which contradicts the stereotype that only writing and speaking is active. You have to regard the book as the teacher and finding the questions raised in reading it. We can either read for information or read for understanding. The latter demands more and rewards more. To lift ourselves from understanding less to more, we should work on our minds. Carefully choose the book we are going to be reading if you aim to understand. Number one, there must be inequality between the writer and us, for the writer should be "superior"; number two, be prepared that it will be challenging and demanding when reading to be informed.



    大家的笔记当中反复谈到“碎片化阅读”,“深入思考”等问题。我想会有相当一部分朋友跟我类似,那就是会“急”。很着急,想吸收想应用想纠正之前的错误。这种急来自于大量有用信息的涌入和对自己能力的错误估计。信息资源匮乏的时候,就不存在这个问题。我还记得省着一本小人儿书看的时候,那大概是二十年前吧,看完了就没得看了所以读得好认真。现在,一本书还没到货就又去定了一本新的,网上的资源就更不用说,所以人们的迫切感就转移了。从迫切想要获取变成迫切想要吸收利用。然而,对于新知识新技能的掌握通常都要花费我们有限的attentional resources,这种迫切和时间精力有限共同导致了“生物体趋利避害”的局面。我们去看微博上不足140字的段子,我们去看排版精良图片动图超链接集聚的帖子,而面对一本几百页的纯文字的时候发憷。注意力和意志力都有限嘛,所以得节约。

    看书如此,写东西也一样。一个写惯了公众号文章的人,去写一本书也费尽。你用不了图片插不了链接,也很难做个表格画个箭头。纯粹用问文字去阐述想法,着实不简单。书里提到,some writers have "excellent control",他们清楚的知道自己想要传达什么,也知道如何清晰准确地传递。然而一些 "wild" writers扔出的球就没有好"catch"。

    Gaining information不等于 increasing understanding。记住是一回事儿,理解是另外一回事儿。通过看这部分的书,我更加确认能给别人explain清楚,才是自己真正学到了。每次写笔记或者讲东西,都以“让外行人也听懂”的标准去衡量和要求自己,我相信前期虽然痛苦,但不断逼迫自己按照合理逻辑去思考和输出,收获会非常大。




          本文标题:How to Read a Book D1 刘小咪
