谢谢你曾经陪伴我, 做过人生中重要的选择。 然而很多人只是恰好同路, 并不能一直同行。 那年的我和那年的你都真心相...
Dear mom, I write this letter to thank you for all your d...
Dear Rachel, Thank you for your letter. Yeah, time really...
各位亲爱的同学们, 此时此刻,你们或辗转在美利坚人烟稀少的车道里,或在温暖如春的招办娓娓而谈。你们还在忙着一封封地...
After an interview, it’s important to follow up with a th...
说明:画划线部分的单词可按照个人情况自行替换 01. Thank you for your letter date...
thanks thank you thanks a lot thank you very much thank y...
Thank you, baby! You are my son, my sunshine! Thank you f...
Thank you! Thanks! Thank you a lot! Thanks a lot! Thanks,...
本文标题:thank you letter