Vapor 的安装

Vapor 的安装

作者: Vine_Finer | 来源:发表于2018-01-21 16:53 被阅读177次


  • Vapor文档

  • 如果这里出错可以看vapor官方文档进行安装。


  • 安装 HomeBrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

  • 添加 HomeBrew Tap
brew tap vapor/homebrew-tap
brew update
  • 安装
brew install vapor

  • vapor 命令
vapor --help

Usage: vapor command

Join our Slack if you have questions, need help,
or want to contribute: http://vapor.team

         new Creates a new Vapor application from a template.
             Use --template=repo/template for github templates
             Use --template=full-url-here.git for non github templates
             Use --web to create a new web app
             Use --auth to create a new authenticated API app
             Use --api (default) to create a new API
       build Compiles the application.
         run Runs the compiled application.
       fetch Fetches the application's dependencies.
      update Updates your dependencies.
       clean Cleans temporary files--usually fixes
             a plethora of bizarre build errors.
        test Runs the application's tests.
       xcode Generates an Xcode project for development.
             Additionally links commonly used libraries.
     version Displays Vapor CLI version
       cloud Commands for interacting with Vapor Cloud.
  cloud-beta [BETA!] Commands for interacting with Vapor Cloud.
      heroku Commands to help deploy to Heroku.
    provider Commands to help manage providers.

Use `vapor command --help` for more information on a command.



      本文标题:Vapor 的安装
