

作者: Joy高斋翻译 | 来源:发表于2018-11-03 15:45 被阅读8次


    原创: 高斋笔记 高斋外刊双语精读 9月13日

    原文:For universities the internet opens up a vast new market: professionals who can’t leave jobs and families but would like to boost their careers with a master’s, a professional degree or executive education. The wage premiums for a master’s degree and a professional degree over a bachelor’s are 19% and 57% respectively. Technological change also means that knowledge acquired years ago may be out of date. “I wanted to build the skills necessary for the next phase of my career, to remain relevant to my industry and my clients,” says Ann Cleland, a partner in Horne, an accountancy firm, who is taking the Harvard Business Analytics Programme. For her, as for many, an on-campus course was not an option.

    定稿译文(官方译文不少地方搭配不当):互联网为大学开辟了一个巨大的新型市场:有大批职业人士不便放弃工作和离开家庭,但又希望获得硕士学位、职业学位或高层管理教育来促进自己的职业发展。硕士学位和职业学位的工资水平相比学士学位分别高19%和57%。技术变革还意味着多年前获得的知识可能已经过时。会计师事务所霍恩(Horne)的合伙人安·克莱兰德( Ann Cleland)说:“我希望为职业生涯的下一阶段积累必要的技能,了解行业新动态并关注客户需求。”她正在参加哈佛商业分析课程(Harvard Business Analytics Programme)。对她和其他许多人来说,学校的线下课程不是一个好选择。

    第一句原文:For universities the internet opens up a vast new market: professionals who can’t leave jobs and families but would like to boost their careers with a master’s, a professional degree or executive education.




    1. open up: ①开放:As the market opens up, I think people are going to be able to spend more money on consumer goods. 随着市场的开放,我想人们将能够花更多的钱购置消费品。②提供 (机会);(机会、可能性) 出现;(使)产生:Life studies opened up new possibilities for poetic subject matter. 生命研究为诗歌主题提供了新的可能性。

    2. boost:促进;增强 (信心、士气):Networking not only helps your business to grow but can boost your confidence and business knowledge. 交际不仅有利于壮大事业,而且能够提高自信并且增加商业知识。

    写作和翻译句型推荐:boost one’s career with表示“通过获得...来促进某人的职业发展”:这个句型特别适合在讲述学历时运用,现在很多人考MTI,其实就是“越来越多的人希望获得硕士学位/博士学位来促进自己的职业发展”“A growing number of people would like to boost their careers with a master’s/doctoral degree.”;boost还可以表示提升或增强:现在很多人参加各种线上线下课程,比如我们高斋翻译学堂现在每年也有3000多人跟着学翻译,一是备考CATTI或MTI,二是提升自己的翻译水平,这些不管是以后从事哪种语言类工作,都是有很大的帮助的。所以我们可以说“人们希望通过培训来提升自己的专业能力”可以翻译成People would like to boost their professional competence with a training.

    第二句原文:The wage premiums for a master’s degree and a professional degree over a bachelor’s are 19% and 57% respectively.




    1. wage: 工资。同义词辨析:wage,salary和pay这三个词都可以表示“工资”,但含义不同。Salary主要指非体力劳动者所得到的“工资、薪水”,通常按月,有时按季或年计算(Salary is usually paid monthly, sometimes three months or a year, for a job, esp. as for workers of higher skill and rank);wage主要指简单劳动或体力劳动者所得的“工资、工钱”,通常按周、日等短期计算发(Wages are paid weekly for a job, esp. as for laborers or workers.),常用复数形式;pay指不论工作性质如何,针对劳动所支付的报酬,它包含salary和wage(s)(pay is paid for a job),为不可数名词。

    2. respectively:adv. 分别地;各自地,独自地。同根形容词:respective 分别的,各自的

    第三四句原文:Technological change also means that knowledge acquired years ago may be out of date. “I wanted to build the skills necessary for the next phase of my career, to remain relevant to my industry and my clients,” says Ann Cleland, a partner in Horne, an accountancy firm, who is taking the Harvard Business Analytics Programme.

    定稿译文:技术变革还意味着多年前获得的知识可能已经过时。会计师事务所霍恩(Horne)的合伙人安·克莱兰德( Ann Cleland)说,“我希望为我职业生涯的下一阶段积累必要的技能,了解行业新动态并关注客户需求。”她正在参加哈佛商业分析课程(Harvard Business Analytics Programme)。



    1. acquire:美 [əˈkwaɪr] 获得(技能);养成(习惯);得到(某种名声); He has acquired a reputation as this country's premier solo violinist. 他已经赢得了该国首席小提琴独奏家的名誉。近义词:obtain; gain; achieve; earn

    2. phase:n. 时期;阶段;(月亮的)盈亏

    3. relevant:adj. 相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的。remain relevant to等同于be relevant to,字面意思表示“与...有关的”,结合语境,这里表示“了解行业新动态并关注客户需求”,同时还要注意原文的“my industry and my clients”虽然是并列关系,但是翻译时要注意搭配,“了解行业新动态并关注客户需求”更合适。

    4. accountancy:n. 会计工作;会计学;会计师之职。accountancy firm:会计机构;会计公司

    写作和翻译句型推荐:build的用法很灵活:可以搭配不同类型(抽象/具体)的名词,翻译也不尽相同。比如build skills积累技能;build confidence:建立自信;build an idea:构建一个想法;build a culture创设一种文化;build a website创建一个网站。第四句中括号里的内容可以是我们在面试或制定规划时用到的很好的句型,如表达“我想为教学生涯的下一个阶段积累必要的技能,了解教育行业新动态。”就可以说I want to build the skills necessary for the next phase of my teaching career, (and)to remain relevant to my industry.

    第五句原文:For her, as for many, an on-campus course was not an option.



    写作和翻译句型推荐:an option for:对...来说是一种选择,not an option for就是说“对...来说不现实/不是一个好办法/不是一个好选择”。比如《卫报》曾针对“德班气候变化峰会”发表过一篇报道,题目是Failure is not an option for global climate change talks,也就是说“失败对全球气候变化谈判来说不是一个好选择。”,言外之意就是说只准成功,不许失败。

    总结:这段话主要讲述了在线教育逐渐兴起的原因、现状及其优点,我们在谈论在线教育的好处的时候,完全可以使用这段的句型:For universities the internet opens up a vast new market: professionals who can’t leave jobs and families but would like to boost their careers with a master’s, a professional degree or executive education. The wage premiums for a master’s degree and a professional degree over a bachelor’s are 19% and 57% respectively. Technological change also means that knowledge acquired years ago may be out of date. Many people want to build the skills necessary for the next phase of their careers, to remain relevant to their industry and clients. As for many of them, an on-campus course .is not an option.



