娱乐 | 迪士尼入战流媒体

娱乐 | 迪士尼入战流媒体

作者: 犀牛角Richard | 来源:发表于2018-04-17 06:08 被阅读0次


    迪士尼公司最近推出的独立流媒体视频服务 ESPN+(Entertainment and Sports Programming Network Plus)已经上线,定价为4.99美元/月。ESPN+ 是迪士尼第一个直接面向消费者的服务产品,将为订户提供大量的体育赛事资源,包括常规的大学运动赛事、美式橄榄球联赛、国家冰球联盟公开赛、板球和高尔夫球比赛等。该服务的推出与传统付费电视服务业绩出现滑坡以及ESPN的订阅用户流失有关。在 Netflix、Amazon 等同类有线网络纷纷持续加码体育内容的冲击下,ESPN 的盈利表现不如预期,而在其它业务的表现都相当稳健之下,ESPN 已成为迪士尼首要改革的业务。对于新增的 ESPN+ 能否助力 ESPN 重回增长轨道,体量庞大的迪士尼如何开始流媒体实践,这些都对2019年迪士尼将要推出的,可能在规模和形态上对 Netflix 形成牵制的流媒体平台,有一定的前瞻性意义。



    Field of streams: ESPN

    ① Disney launches its first American direct-to-consumer business today with ESPN+, a subscription sport-streaming service delivering games not available on its regular cable channels.
    ② For a few bucks a month, the service will carry plenty of sports, but mostly lesser fare such as lower-profile university sports, some football leagues, cricket and golf.
    ③ It will also include one big-league baseball and ice-hockey game a day.
    ④ The offering intentionally skimps on most top-flight American contests so as not to draw customers away from the far more lucrative pay-TV channels that carry professional (American) football and basketball, and big college games.
    ⑤ It will therefore be a challenge to draw subscribers in great numbers.
    ⑥ But ESPN+ is an important test of concept: next year Disney will launch a streaming subscription service that will carry the company's many blockbuster films, as well as new, original programming.
    ⑦ The stakes will be higher in the sequel.


    field /fiːld/: n. 领域;田野
    track and field: 田径
    direct-to-consumer /kənˈsju:mə/: adj.(DTC)直面消费者的
    subscription /səbˈskrɪpʃ(ə)n/: n. 订阅
    deliver /dɪˈlɪvə/: vt. 放送;播放
    game /ɡeɪm/: n. 比赛;游戏
    channel /ˈtʃan(ə)l/: n. 频道
    Chanel /ʃəˈnɛl/: 香奈儿
    buck /bʌk/: n.(俗)美元
    carry /ˈkari/: vt. 播放;播送
    lesser /ˈlɛsə/: adj. 次要的
    fare /fɛː/: n. 节目;费用
    profile /ˈprəʊfʌɪl/: n. 简介;概况;侧影
    low/high-profile: adj. 低调/高调的
    keep a low/high profile: 保持低调/高调
    job profile: 工作简介
    cricket /ˈkrɪkɪt/: n. 板球
    offering /ˈɒf(ə)rɪŋ/: n. 提供节目/产品(的方式)
    skimp on /skɪmp/: 节省;吝惜
    top-flight: adj. 顶级的;一流的
    draw away: 分流;引开
    lucrative /ˈlu:krətɪv/: adj. 盈利的;赚钱的
    subscriber /səbˈskrʌɪbə/: n. 订阅用户
    test of concept: 概念测试
    blockbuster film /ˈblɒkbʌstə/: 大片
    stake /steɪk/: n. 风险;利益
    (be) at stake: 在危机关头
    stakeholder /ˈsteɪkhəʊldə/: n. 利益相关人


    1. buck
      Can I borrow a few bucks?
      It's altogether 200 bucks.

    2. fare
      This is not a conventional Hollywood fare.

    3. profile
      He is not the sort of politician to keep a low profile for long / at all.
      The star has a high profile in London.
      Hu Ge has a killer profile.

    4. skimp on
      Don't skimp on self-development.
      The homeworkers should never skimp on office supplies.

    5. top-flight
      They've hired a really top-flight team.

    6. It's a challenge to do.
      It's a challenge to be a mom.



          本文标题:娱乐 | 迪士尼入战流媒体
