

作者: 创作者学院 | 来源:发表于2018-09-16 19:22 被阅读0次

    Mike's Story


    Mike glances at the clock on his desk.1 :32am.“Great," he thinks as he leans back in hisoffice chair, running his fingers through his hair. "Another late night of editing. I can't keepdoing this every night."

    迈克看了看桌上的时钟,凌晨1点32分。 "太好了,"他一边靠在办公椅上,一边用手指捋头发。 "又是一个剪辑的深夜。 我不能每天晚上都这样

    The soft glow of his computer screen lights his face in an otherwise dark room. He'sbeen sitting there for hours, meticulously tweaking his next YouTube video.

    他电脑屏幕的柔和光线在黑暗的房间里照亮了他的脸。 他已经在那里坐了好几个小时了,一丝不苟地调整下一段 YouTube 视频。

    Blinking his eyes a few times, he tries to convince himself that staying awake this late willbe worth it when the video is published.


    “Man, what should I call this video?" A few titles have circulated in his head, but he neverseems to pick the right one. Inspired by other education channels like CGP Grey,

    "伙计,我该怎么称呼这个视频呢?" 在他的脑海中流传着一些标题,但是他似乎从来没有选择正确的。 受到其他教育渠道如 CGP Grey 的启发,

    Veritasium, and Minute Physics, he tries to emulate what he sees, but for some reason itseems to work a lot better for them than it does for him.

    和 Minute Physics,他试图模仿他所看到的,但是由于某些原因,这对他们来说比对他来说效果更好。

    “Why people sneeze?' Nah, no one will click on that title. How about, 'How the nosecleans itself?' Ugh, no, that's lame, too. Hmm..."

    "人们为什么打喷嚏?" 不,没有人会点击这个标题。 比如,'nosecleans 本身怎么样 啊,不,那也很差劲。 嗯... ..."

    If he were honest with himself, it's actually becoming more and more difficult to put thelong hours into creating these videos, not because he doesn't enjoy it but because 13hours of working on a single video equated to around 34 views on a channel of 284subscribers. And that's after consistently posting every week for an entire year!

    如果他对自己诚实的话,实际上要花更多的时间来制作这些视频变得越来越困难,不是因为他不喜欢这个视频,而是因为13个小时的视频工作时间相当于在284个用户的频道上的34个点击量。 在这之前,我们每周都会发布一整年!

    He certainly earns an A+ in effort, but what's missing? Given the success of other similarYouTube channels, he felt his channel would've earned tens of thousands of subscribersby now. If viewers enjoy Vsauce and Scishow, they would certainly like his videos, too...except apparently they don't.

    他的努力当然得了 a + ,但是缺少什么呢? 考虑到其他类似 youtube 频道的成功,他觉得他的频道现在已经赢得了成千上万的订阅者。 如果观众喜欢 Vsauce 和 Scishow,他们当然也会喜欢他的视频... ... 但显然他们不喜欢。

    Mike blinked a few more times, this time to refocus his thoughts. He'll return to themlater because right now he has a video to finish editing. After all, maybe this video wouldbe different, right? Maybe... but probably not.

    迈克又眨了几次眼,这次是为了重新集中思想。 他稍后会回复的,因为现在他有一个视频来完成编辑。 毕竟,也许这个视频会有所不同,对吗? 也许... 但可能不会。



