词为我用 - squabble

词为我用 - squabble

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2021-07-06 21:00 被阅读0次


squabble  TEM8  IELTS  GRE

UK  /ˈskwɒb.əl/ US  /ˈskwɑː.bəl/

1. verb, When people squabble, they quarrel about something that is not really important. (为琐事)争吵,起争执

2. noun, a noisy quarrel about something petty or trivial. 争吵, 口角



1. Let’s step back from the day-to-day budget and spending squabbles in Washington and instead try to apply some financial common sense to deal with our nation’s problems.(Washington Post)

2. Restraining tech powers: Under the Trump administration, there were investigations, lawsuits and noisy squabbles over the power of Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple and other tech companies.(New York Times)

3. Mr. Swan, 60, is credited with helping to ease internal squabbling at the company, and spearheaded changes aimed at taking Intel into other markets, such as gear for cellular base stations.(New York Times)

4. The filing represents the latest in an ongoing squabble between the two sides over campaign rules.(Seattle Times)

5. Investors are facing a wide range of uncertainties, including the lingering virus pandemic and political squabbling about additional financial aid, as well as the upcoming presidential election.(Seattle Times)

6. The squabbling is over several issues, from fishing quotas to Britain’s desire to use state aid to build up its tech sector.(Reuters)

7. In Washington, lawmakers were squabbling over a possible $450 billion-plus deal to provide more aid to small businesses and hospitals hurt by the crisis.(Reuters)

8. While there’s potential for more squabbles at home, there’s also an opportunity to meet challenges your household is facing as a team.(New York Times)

9. U.K. politicians who wanted to leave the EU couldn’t agree on the terms of a deal, and those who wanted to stay squabbled over strategy.(Seattle Times)

10. The two candidates continued to squabble Tuesday night, with both releasing new online videos attacking each other.(Washington Post)

11. Last year was a tumultuous one for American farmers and manufacturers as President Trump squabbled with trading partners around the world.(New York Times)

12. But according to subsequent reports, it was not just the handling of 737 Max crisis or squabbles with the FAA that ultimately doomed Muilenburg.(The Guardian)


minor, petty, bitter, unseemly, domestic, family, marital, political, internal, public squabble

have, resolve, settle squabble

squabble about, over, among, between, with


squabbles, squabbling, squabbled, squabbler


c. 1600, probably from a Scandinavian source and of imitative origin (compare dialectal Swedish skvabbel "a quarrel, a dispute," dialectal German schwabbeln "to babble, prattle"). The verb also is from c. 1600.


altercation, argument, battle, bicker, brawl, contretemps, controversy, disagreement, dispute, fight, hassle, misunderstanding, quarrel, row, scrap, tiff, wrangle


agreement, concord, concurrence, understanding, compromise, arrangement, accord, settlement, covenant, agree, concur, surrender, harmonize, approve, comply, acquiesce, retreat, keep, socialize



      本文标题:词为我用 - squabble
