3. 向量和矩阵

3. 向量和矩阵

作者: 玄语梨落 | 来源:发表于2020-08-15 08:32 被阅读0次

    Matrix and Vector

    What is Matrix and Vector

    Matrix: Rectangular array of numbers.

    Dimension of matrix: number of rows x number of clumns.
    Matrix Elements(entries of matrix):A_{ij}= "i,j\ entry"\ in\ the\ i^{th}\ row, j^{th}\ column.

    Vector: An n x 1 matrix.
    n dimension vector

    1-indexed vs 0-indexed
    一般使用1-indexed 在机器学习中会使用0-indexed 。

    Addition and Scalar Multiplication

    Matrix Addition(or Subtration)


    Scalar(real nmuber) Multiplication(or division)


    Matrix-vector multiplication

    m\timesn matrix multiply n\times1 matrix equals a m-dimensional vector

    To get y_i, multiply A's i^{th} row with elemets of vector x, and add them up.

    We can use matrix and vector to calculate prediction at the same time or with only one line code.

    Matrix-Matrix multiplication

    m\timesn matrix multiply n\timeso equals a m\timeso matrix.

    The i^{th} column of the matrixC is obtained by multiplying A with the i^{th} column of B.

    Matrix multiplication properties

    • not commutative(不满足交换律)
    • associative(结合律)

    Identity Matrix:
    Denoted I(or I_{n\times n}).
    I\times T = T\times I = T
    For any matrix A:A\times I=I\times A=A

    Inverse and Transpose

    Not all number have an inverse.

    Matrix inverse: If A is an m\timesm matrix, and if it has an inverse, AA^{-1}=A^{-1}A=I

    Square matrix: m\timesm matrix.
    A matirx which have inverse must be a square matrix.
    Matrix that don't have an inverse are "singular"(奇异矩阵) or "degenerate"(退化矩阵).

    Matrix Transpose:Let A be an m\times n matrix, and let B=A^T. Then B is an n\times m matrix, and B_{ij}=A_{ji}.



          本文标题:3. 向量和矩阵
