R语言可视化4: nomogram及calibration图 -

R语言可视化4: nomogram及calibration图 -

作者: cc的生信随记 | 来源:发表于2023-02-24 10:00 被阅读0次

1. 使用\color{green}{rms}包绘制 nomogram图

1.1 基本用法

# 安装并加载所需的R包
# install.packages("rms")

# 加载数据
pbc <- pbc[pbc$status %in% c(0, 1), ]
##    id time status trt      age sex ascites hepato spiders edema bili chol albumin copper alk.phos    ast trig platelet protime stage
## 2   2 4500      0   1 56.44627   f       0      1       1   0.0  1.1  302    4.14     54   7394.8 113.52   88      221    10.6     3
## 5   5 1504      1   2 38.10541   f       0      1       1   0.0  3.4  279    3.53    143    671.0 113.15   72      136    10.9     3
## 7   7 1832      0   2 55.53457   f       0      1       0   0.0  1.0  322    4.09     52    824.0  60.45  213      204     9.7     3
## 13 13 3577      0   2 45.68925   f       0      0       0   0.0  0.7  281    3.85     40   1181.0  88.35  130      244    10.6     3
## 16 16 3672      0   2 40.44353   f       0      0       0   0.0  0.7  204    3.66     28    685.0  72.85   58      198    10.8     3
## 19 19 4232      0   1 49.56057   f       0      1       0   0.5  0.7  235    3.56     39   1881.0  93.00  123      209    11.0     3

ddist <- datadist(pbc)
options(datadist = 'ddist')

# 拟合-逻辑回归模型
f <- lrm(status ~ age + bili + copper + stage, data = pbc)
f  # ★ 模型的C指数为0.864,预测能力良好
## Frequencies of Missing Values Due to Each Variable
## status    age   bili copper  stage 
##      0      0      0     71      2 
## Logistic Regression Model
##  lrm(formula = status ~ age + bili + copper + stage, data = pbc)
##                         Model Likelihood     Discrimination    Rank Discrim.    
##                               Ratio Test            Indexes          Indexes    
##  Obs           186    LR chi2      26.67     R2       0.277    C       0.864    
##   0            167    d.f.             4     R2(4,186)0.115    Dxy     0.727    
##   1             19    Pr(> chi2) <0.0001    R2(4,51.2)0.358    gamma   0.728    
##  max |deriv| 2e-06                           Brier    0.080    tau-a   0.134    
##            Coef    S.E.   Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
##  Intercept -1.4859 1.5504 -0.96  0.3378  
##  age       -0.0842 0.0288 -2.92  0.0035  
##  bili       0.2208 0.1146  1.93  0.0541  
##  copper     0.0064 0.0033  1.93  0.0539  
##  stage      0.6617 0.3577  1.85  0.0643

nom <- nomogram(f, fun = plogis, funlabel = "Risk of Death")

1.2 构建生存模型,预测患者的生存时间和生存概率

f <- psm(Surv(time,status) ~ age + bili + copper + stage, data =  pbc, dist='lognormal')

# 计算中位生存时间
med  <- Quantile(f)
# 构建生存概率
surv <- Survival(f)

nom <- nomogram(f,
                fun = list(function(x) med(lp = x, q = 0.5),
                             function(x) surv(365,     x),
                             function(x) surv(365 * 3, x),
                             function(x) surv(365 * 5, x)),
                funlabel = c("Median Survival Time", # 添加轴的标签
                             "1-year Survival Probability",
                             "3-year Survival Probability",
                             "5-year Survival Probability"),
                fun.at = list(c(10000, 20000, 40000, 90000), # 指定要在轴上标记的函数值
                              c(0.8,  0.90, 0.95, 0.99),
                              c(0.5, 0.7, 0.9),
                              c(0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9)),
                lp = F) # 不显示“Linear Predictor”这个轴

2. 使用\color{green}{regplot}包绘制 nomogram图

2.1 基本用法

# 安装并加载所需的R包
# install.packages("regplot")

mod2 <- coxph(formula =  as.formula(paste("Surv(time,status) ~ ", paste(colnames(pbc)[c(5, 11, 14, 20)],collapse = "+"))), data = pbc)
## Call:
## coxph(formula = as.formula(paste("Surv(time,status) ~ ", paste(colnames(pbc)[c(5, 
##     11, 14, 20)], collapse = "+"))), data = pbc)
##             coef exp(coef)  se(coef)      z       p
## age    -0.069487  0.932872  0.025029 -2.776 0.00550
## bili    0.219639  1.245627  0.073620  2.983 0.00285
## copper  0.005304  1.005318  0.001977  2.683 0.00729
## stage   0.746101  2.108763  0.324986  2.296 0.02169
## Likelihood ratio test=31.07  on 4 df, p=2.956e-06
## n= 186, number of events= 19 
##    (71 observations deleted due to missingness)

        failtime = c(1095, 1825), # 定义生存的两个概率标度
        plots = c("violin","boxes"), # 连续性变量形状,可选"no plot" "density" "boxes" "ecdf" "bars" "boxplot" "violin" "bean" "spikes";分类变量的形状,可选"no plot" "boxes" "bars" "spikes"
        points = T, # 截距项显示为0-100
        prfail = T)

2.2 其他参数

        observation=pbc[1,], #用哪行观测
        obscol = "#326db1",
        failtime = c(1095,1825), 
        plots = c("bars","boxes"),
        droplines = T, # 是否画竖线
        points = T,
        title = "nomogram", # 更换标题
        # odds = T, # 是否显示OR值
        showP = T, # 是否显示变量的显著性标记(默认:T)
        rank = "sd", # 根据sd给变量排序
        # interval="confidence", # 展示可信区间
        clickable = F, # 是否可以交互(默认:F)
        prfail = T)

3. 使用\color{green}{rms}包绘制校准曲线图


# 安装并加载所需的R包
# install.packages("survival")
##   inst time status age sex ph.ecog ph.karno pat.karno meal.cal wt.loss
## 1    3  306      2  74   1       1       90       100     1175      NA
## 2    3  455      2  68   1       0       90        90     1225      15
## 3    3 1010      1  56   1       0       90        90       NA      15
## 4    5  210      2  57   1       1       90        60     1150      11
## 5    1  883      2  60   1       0      100        90       NA       0
## 6   12 1022      1  74   1       1       50        80      513       0

# 建模并完成计算
f300 <- cph(formula =  as.formula(paste("Surv(time, status) ~ ",paste(colnames(lung)[4:7],collapse = "+"))),
            data = lung, x = T,y = T,surv = T, time.inc = 300) # time.inc参数和calibrate的u参数后接天数
cal300 <- calibrate(f300, cmethod = "KM", method = "boot", u = 300, m = 75, B = 1000) # m,分组到平均包含 m 个受试者的区间;

f500 <- cph(formula =  as.formula(paste("Surv(time, status) ~ ",paste(colnames(lung)[4:7],collapse = "+"))),
            data = lung, x = T,y = T,surv = T, time.inc = 500)
cal500 <- calibrate(f500, cmethod="KM", method="boot", u = 500, m = 75, B = 1000)

# 绘制校准曲线图
plot(cal300, lwd = 2, # error bar的粗细
     lty = 0, # error bar的类型,可以是0-6
     errbar.col = c("#2166AC"), # error bar的颜色
     # bty = "l", # 只画左边和下边框
     xlim = c(0.3,0.7),ylim= c(0.3,0.8),
     xlab = "Nomogram-prediced OS (%)",ylab = "Observed OS (%)",
     col = c("#2166AC"),
     cex.lab=1.2,cex.axis=1, cex.main=1.2, cex.sub=0.6)
      type = 'b', lwd = 1, col = c("#2166AC"), pch = 16)

plot(cal500, lwd = 2, lty = 0, errbar.col = c("#B2182B"),
     xlim = c(0.1,0.7), ylim = c(0.1,0.7), col = c("#B2182B"), add = T)
      type = 'b', lwd = 1, col = c("#B2182B"), pch = 16)

abline(0,1, lwd = 2, lty = 3, col = c("#224444"))

legend("topleft", # 图例的位置
       legend = c("300-Day","500-Day"), # 图例文字
       col =c("#2166AC","#B2182B"), # 图例线的颜色,与文字对应
       lwd = 2, # 图例中线的粗细
       cex = 1.2, # 图例字体大小
       bty = "n") # 不显示图例边框




      本文标题:R语言可视化4: nomogram及calibration图 -
