

作者: Breeze0531 | 来源:发表于2021-07-13 17:16 被阅读0次

Public Education Kills Creativity

We live in the same earth but with different geographical location, thus with different temperature, history or cultures.  so, when people with various background getting together,  we always stress inclusiveness and respect.

With that, we need admit that our children are different too.  An old Chinese saying is: A dragon fathers nigh sons, all having unsame personalities. However, when it comes to public education, we only give priorities to math and langauage, not art and music or others. Think of it, if we train young generation in the same way, same standard, it's would be a big disaster for those children who have other gifts.  A child born with singing talent may cannot be a scientist. We should educate children on the grounds of their specialty. 

All current public education serves to cultivate a good employee for industrialization, in other words, to find a good job in the future, however, with all of human intelligence, we have no idea what the world will look like 5 years later, not to mention future, but we can always try our best to find their strengths.

In that sense,  it's quite necessary that we need refrom to reinstitute the current education system. Certainly, we may make mistakes from time to time, sometimes, we need take a chance, not frighten of making mistakes. We are hoping to make something out of our generations in coming.


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