作者: 好之者不如乐之者 | 来源:发表于2021-01-07 00:01 被阅读0次

artificial intelligence: a modern approach
Computer engineers provided the ever-more-powerful machines that make AI applications possible, and software engineers made them more usable.

Control theory deals with designing devices that act optimally on the basis of feedback from the environment. Initially, the mathematical tools of control theory were quite different from those used in AI, but the fields are coming closer together.

The history of AI has had cycles of success, misplaced optimism, and resulting cutbacks in enthusiasm and funding. There have also been cycles of introducing new, creative approaches and systematically refining the best ones.

AI has matured considerably compared to its early decades, both theoretically and methodologically. As the problems that AI deals with became more complex, the field moved from Boolean logic to probabilistic reasoning, and from hand-crafted knowledge to machine learning from data. This has led to improvements in the capabilities of real systems and greater integration with other disciplines.

As AI systems find application in the real world, it has become necessary to consider a wide range of risks and ethical consequences.

In the longer term, we face the difficult problem of controlling superintelligent AI systems that may evolve in unpredictable ways. Solving this problem seems to necessitate a change in our conception of AI.


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