1.are you = ya
Where ya going?
2.because = cuz
I don't like her,cuz she's mean.
3.could have = could'a
You could'a hurt yourself.
4.could not have = couldn'a
He couldn'a done it.
5.did you = didja
How didja do it?
6.don't know = dunno
I dunno where you live.
7.had better = better
You better tell me.
8.got to = gotta
I gotta go.
9.going to = gonna
I'm gonna stay.
10.want to = wanna
I wanna go outside.
11.have to = hafta
I hafta do it.
12.give me = gimme (let me = lemme)
Gimme that.
13.kind of = kinda
She's kinda strange.
14.lot of = lotta
A lotta cars.
15.out of = outta
Let's get outta here.
n. 2个音节时,第一个音节重读。
v. 2个音节时,第二个音节重读。
-ate结尾的单词 v. 如eight,发eit
adj./n. 发音减弱,发it et.
-ese -eer -ique结尾的单词,重读后缀。
adj.+n. 重读n.
adj.1+adj.2+n. 重读adj.1和n.
用两个词表达一个事物时,强调第一个词,如credit card.
动词短语强调第二个词,如pick up break down
地名,两个单词重读第二个,如south America;人名则重读姓氏。
1.yes or no 升调↑
2.wh- (when what where why how) 降调↓
例:I bought chicken,fish,apple and sugar.
↑ ↑ ↑ ↓ //列举的每个都要升调,最后一个要降调。
Introductory words要升调↑,如However、On the other hand
给别人提供选择时,先升调↑后降调↓,例:Are you married or single?
↑ ↓
In an instant ina ninstant
John is a friend of mine. Johnisa friendof mine.
I'm an actor. Ima nactor.
build up bill dup
call up ca lup
come over ca mover
for a while fo ra while
where is whe ris
what if what dif
Hold on a minute. Holdon a minute.
A cup of coffee. Acupof coffee.
Just a moment. Justa moment.
He likes swimming. He likeswimming. //s可延长
next time nextime
wish she wishe
bad day badday
love vegetables lovegetables
five friends fi friends
uesd to use to
supposed to suppose to
need to nee to
see it seeyit //加一个"y"的音
we all weyall
may i mayay
who is whowis //加一个"w"的音
no one nowan
two hours two wawers
blue ocean bluwowcean
do all dowall
(he her中"h"省略,them中"th"省略)
Did he Dide
Could he Coulde
Should he Shoulde
Would he Woulde
call her caller
love her lover
like her liker
drive her driver
told him toldm
call him callm
ask him askm
see them seem
pick them up pickem up
need them needem
buy them buyem
could've "əv"
could not have couldnve
sould not have souldnve
问句时 Would you have...? Would you've 发"əv"音
Sould you have...? Sould you've 发"əv"音
basically basiclly
actually actully
practically practiclly
physically physiclly
different diffrent
chocolate choclate
aspirin asprin
evening evning
family famly
beverage bevrage
naturally naturlly
catholic cathlic
miserable misrable
favourite favrite
extraordinary extradinary
preference prefrence
temperature temprature
diamond dimond
bomb climb debt subtle doubt
yacht n.快艇,游艇
adjust adjective
walk talk could should would half
ballet valet
months mons
clothes cloes
receipt receit
cupboard cuboard
psychic /saɪkɪk/ sychic
island debris n.碎片,残骸