make a mistake 犯错 make a decision 做了选择 stick to sth 坚持 Le...
break up with sb 与某人分手 refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事 have sex 做!...
gap 间隔 position 职位 take time off 休息 stay-at-home mom 全职妈妈...
What's wrong? 肿么了 because of sb 因为我 imaginary 想象出来的 cru...
china 瓷器 serve 提供食物 couple 一对 get together 在一起 get back t...
All I am saying is...我要说的是!给哥哥背下来 sth is bull or nonsense...
What is it? What's wrong? completely 彻底的 freak out 吓尿了 Th...
Ponzi scheme: 庞氏骗局 庞氏骗局是一种最古老和最常见的投资诈骗,是金字塔骗局的变体,很多非法的传销...
hide sth from sb 把某物对某人藏起来 don't have to 没有必要 It doesn't ...