

作者: 张政Beckett | 来源:发表于2019-01-01 23:05 被阅读130次

向大家介绍一篇关于心脏PET/MR的综述研究“MR/PET Imaging of the Cardiovascular System” ,《JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING》影响因子10分,属于心脏影像类的顶级期刊,其对PET/MR在心脏应用中的判断应该是相当权威的。

  1. 当前PET/CT的应用主要为心肌灌注显像(myocardial perfusion)和冠心病患者的心肌活性评估。C11标记的脂肪酸(空腹状态下,心肌能量来源为主要为脂肪酸)用于评估心肌代谢、F18-FDG用于评估心肌活性。此外、心肌炎、动脉炎等也可用F18-FDG进行评估。
  2. 一些新的MR造影剂和PET的核素药物给PET/MR的应用带来广阔前景(图1)
  3. 相对于PET/CT来说,PET/MR的射线量更少;主要是考虑到CT的心脏检查带来的剂量已经很高,如果使用多核素药物,剂量还会更高,因而通过MR/PET替代PET/CT减少辐射剂量是很重要的,尤其是对于年轻人来说。

    Novel PET tracers and MR tracers for cardiovascular application.JPG


summary of characteristics of CT MR and PET and the combined modalities.JPG
  1. 基于MR图像进行运动校正和部分容积效应的校正是MR/PET的重要优势之一,更精准的PET图像甚至可对心脏冠脉的炎性病灶进行显影。此外,MR提供的优异软组织对比和多对比成像也是CT所不具备的。

a. PET/CT 与 MR/PET的对比研究
b. 心脏结节病
c. 冠心病
d. 心肌淀粉样变
e. 心血管粥样硬化
f. 心脏占位
g. 其他潜在的应用(图3)

summary of potential cardiovasular Uses of MRPET.JPG
  1. MR/PET当前应用遇到的一些困难
    a. 心脏的衰减矫正,表面线圈、心脏周围器官的精确分割、心脏植入物
    b. 其他一些因素包括:孔径小、价格昂贵、装机量小缺乏广泛验证
  2. 总结:MR/PET scanning is an exciting novel imaging modality that can assess disease activity together with assessments of cardiac anatomy, function, and tissue composition during a single scan. The lower associated radiation doses may be particularly important for the clinical imaging of younger patients.In the research arena, beyond the ability to easily combine and co-register already established MR and PET imaging techniques into a single scan, many researchers are seeking novel complex applications that may further advance the state-of-the-art. Although technological and operational obstacles persist, these are rapidly being overcome, positioning MR/PET scans as a useful new imaging modality for
    the investigation of cardiovascular disease. Further clinical trials are now required to explore the potential of this technique.



