Based on the quality, diversity and price of animated series, a so-called "chain of contempt" analysis of the sector went viral on social media.
- viral:passed on to other people on the Internet or using mobile phones
Zhejiang province is to appoint coast chiefs to fight pollution and illegal fishing.
- 全面取缔海滩违禁渔具、“三无”渔船
imposing a comprehensive ban on illegal fishing gears and unlicensed fishing boats
A total of 30,538 Chinese officials were investigated for work-related crimes in the first half of 2017, according to a seminar for chief procurators on Wednesday.
- 徇私舞弊(playing favoritism and committing irregularities)、滥用职权(abusing authority)、玩忽职守(dereliction of duty)
- 任人唯亲 cronyism;裙带关系 nepotism
- 庇护 patronage;以权谋私 influence peddling
China will issue local toll road bonds this year to standardize local government's financing for toll roads.
- “的模式”为宏观概念,故省去不译
- 地方政府收费公路专项债券(toll roads/tollway bonds,highway bonds)是地方政府专项债券的一个品种,指地方政府为发展政府收费公路举借,以项目对应并纳入政府性基金预算管理的车辆通行费收入、专项收入偿还的专项债券。
A national nutrition plan was released by the State Council, setting a target to make substantial improvements by 2030 in reducing student obesity, anemia, and stunted development afflicting children younger than 5, as well as raising residents' nutritional awareness.
maternity leave
Thirty provincial regions in China have extended maternity leave since the introduction of the universal two-child policy on Jan 1, 2016.
自2016年1月1日全面二孩政策 落地以来,我国30个省级地区延长了产假。
Domestic e-commerce giant Alibaba opened two grocery stores with no cashiers in Hangzhou recently, following the example of Amazon, which opened its first unmanned supermarket AmazonGo in the US last year.
snobbish dating
An article in the magazine Phoenix Weekly on Beijing people's snobbish dating requirements in marriage markets has caught people's attention.
poke fun at those snobbish dating requirements