topic 6 day1

topic 6 day1

作者: 曦熙何兮 | 来源:发表于2017-04-27 23:26 被阅读0次

words and expressions 

1. appraise: v

a.  If you appraise something or someone, you consider them carefully and form an opinion about them. 评价

eg. This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies.


b. .V-T When experts appraise something, they decide how much money it is worth. 估价

eg. His estate is now appraised at a figure near $1,000,000.

reappraise: v 重新评估

2. carapace : n

a.N-COUNT A carapace is the protective shell on the back of some animals such as tortoises or crabs. (龟、蟹等的)甲壳

b. N-COUNT You can refer to an attitude that someone has in order to protect themselves as their carapace. 保护壳

eg. The arrogance became his protective carapace.

3. admonition: n  An admonition is a warning or criticism about someone's behaviour. 警告

eg. She ignored the admonitions of her mother.

4. throng: 

a. n a large crowd of people. 一大群人

eg. An official pushed through the throng.

b. to be or go somewhere in very large numbers:

eg.The crowds thronged into the stadium.

The narrow streets were thronged with summer visitors.

5. hegemon : n  a leader, country, or group that is very strong and powerful and therefore able to control others:霸权主义者/国际

Could the United States lose out to another global hegemon, China?

6. step up: 

a. to take action when there is a need or opportunity for it:

eg. Investors have to step up and assume more responsibility for their assets.

b. If you step up something, you increase it or increase its intensity. 增加

eg. He urged donors to step up their efforts to send aid to Somali

7. flesh sth out : to add more details or information to something:充实 (故事或计划等)

eg. These plans need to be fleshed out with some more figures.

8. in the realm of  : 在.....领域

eg . In the realm of research, finding out what you don't know is almost as important as knowing what you do.  

9. wont: 

a. formal: as is someone's wont : in the way that someone usually does: 习惯做法

eg. She arrived an hour late, as is her wont.

b. adj be wont to do sth : to often do something:

The previous city council was wont to overspend.

10. mnemonics:n. 记忆术


a. N-COUNT The mouthpiece of a telephone is the part that you speak into. (电话的) 话筒

eg. He shouted into the mouthpiece.

b. N-COUNT The mouthpiece of a musical instrument or other device is the part that you put into your mouth. (乐器的) 吹口; (器具的) 衔口

eg. He showed him how to blow into the ivory mouthpiece.

c. N-COUNT The mouthpiece of an organization or person is someone who informs other people of the opinions and policies of that organization or person. 代言人

eg. Their mouthpiece is the vice president.

12. bolster: 

a. V-T If you bolster something such as someone's confidence or courage, you increase it. 增强

eg. Hopes of an early cut in interest rates bolstered confidence.

b. V-T If someone tries to bolster their position in a situation, they try to strengthen it. 巩固

eg. The country is free to adopt policies to bolster its economy.

c. a long firm cylinder-shaped pillow:长枕头

13. broach: 

a. V-T When you broach a subject, especially a sensitive one, you mention it in order to start a discussion on it. 提出

eg. Eventually I broached the subject of her early life.

b.V to cause (a sailing vessel) to swerve sharply and dangerously or (of a sailing vessel) to swerve sharply and dangerously in a following sea, so as to be broadside to the waves 使(帆船)突然剧烈转向

14. disavow: V-T If you disavow something, you say that you are not connected with it or responsible for it. 拒绝对...承担责任

eg. Dr. Samuels immediately disavowed the newspaper stoey. 

15. eschew:V-T  deliberately avoid doing it or becoming involved in it. 避免

eg. Although he appeared to enjoy a jet-setting life, he eschewed publicity and avoided night clubs.

16. come within a whisker of (doing) sth: If you come within a whisker of doing something, you almost do it or it almost happens to you:

eg. Twice now she had come within a whisker of death.

17. revisionist: adj/ n  If you describe a person or their views as revisionist, you mean that they reject traditionally held beliefs about a particular historical event or events. (对历史事件)持修正主义论的

eg. ...the revisionist interpretation of the French Revolution.

18. dismantal :v

a. V-T If you dismantle a machine or structure, you carefully separate it into its different parts. 拆除

eg. He asked for immediate help from the United States to dismantle the warheads.

b. V-T To dismantle an organization or system means to cause it to stop functioning by gradually reducing its power or purpose. 逐步废除

eg. Public services of all kinds are being dismantled.

19. template: n.

a.  If one thing is a template for something else, the second thing is based on the first thing. 样板

eg. The template for Adair's novel is not somebody else's fiction, but fact.

b. A template is a thin piece of metal or plastic which is cut into a particular shape. It is used to help you cut wood, paper, metal, or other materials accurately, or to reproduce the same shape many times. (用于切割木材、纸、金属等的) 模板

eg. Trace around your template and transfer the design onto a sheet of card.

c. N-COUNT In computing, a template is a model of a document that you can use as a guide when creating a document of your own. (计算机中用于创建文档的) 模板

eg. Open any of the layout templates, insert your text, make any other changes, and print.

20 . lingua franca: a language or way of communicating which is used between people who do not speak one another's native language. (讲不同母语的人之间的)通用语

eg. English is rapidly becoming the lingua franca of Asia.



      本文标题:topic 6 day1
