MySQL DBA好帮手--dbm

作者: 小知_知数堂 | 来源:发表于2019-12-27 11:29 被阅读0次


    作者:蒋乐兴 MySQL-DBA 目前在 github 上维护着两套 MySQL 开源工具 mysqltools & dbm(dbm-agent dbm-center),对机器学习和程序化交易也有些心得。


    • 用dbm来解放生产力

    • 安装&初始化dbm-agent

    • 一行命令解决安装单机的问题

    • 一行命令解决增加slave的问题

    • 一行命令解决搭建MGR集群的问题

    • dbm-agent建设出来的实例质量如何


    对于 dbm 来说不管你是搭建单机、主从复制、异或是 MGR 都只需要一行命令就能高效、高质量的解决;并且几乎不会有任何成本(dbm是全开源的,包含dbm-agent,dbm-center),下面先来检验一下 dbm-agent 常来的效率提升。


    1、 通过 pip3 这个 python 包管理工具来安装 dbm-agent

    sudo su
    pip3 install dbm-agent
    Installing collected packages: dbm-agent
    Running install for dbm-agent ...  done
    Successfully installed dbm-agent-0.4.2

    2、 初始化 dbm-agent

    sudo su
    dbm-agent init
    # 成功后可以看到如下目录结构
    tree /usr/local/dbm-agent/
    ├── etc
    │  ├── dbma.cnf # dbm-agent 的配置文件
    │  ├── init-users.sql # 在初始化数据库里将使用这个文件中的用户名和密码来创建用户
    │  └── templates
    │  ├── create-innodb-cluster.js
    │  ├── init-users.sql.jinja
    │  ├── mysql-8.0.17.cnf.jinja # mysql-8.0.17 版本对应的配置文件模板
    │  ├── mysql-8.0.18.cnf.jinja # mysql-8.0.18 版本对应的配置文件模板
    │  ├── mysql-8.0-init-only.jinja # 只有初始化时才用到的配置文件
    │  └── mysqld.service.jinja # mysql systemd 配置文件模板
    ├── logs # dbm-agent 的日志文件保存目录(只要有守护进程模式下才会向这时写日志)
    └── pkg

    init 的时候可以通过 --init-pwd 设置 mysql 用户的密码,如果没有指定那么默认为 dbma@0352

    3、 下载 mysql 与 mysql-shell 的二进制安装包到 /usr/local/dbm-agent/pkg, 完成后目录的内容如下

    tree /usr/local/dbm-agent/pkg
    ├── mysql-8.0.18-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64.tar.xz # 各个软件的安装包(要自己下载并保存到这里,dbm-agent不会自动下载它
    └── mysql-shell-8.0.18-linux-glibc2.12-x86-64bit.tar.gz # 各个软件的安装包(要自己下载并保存到这里,dbm-agent不会自动下载它)

    下面的内容不会再加上 sudo su 了,默认都在 root 下运行


    1、 安装一个监听在 3306 端口上的实例,限制它最大给用 1G 内存

    dbma-cli-single-instance --port=3306  --max-mem=1024 install
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,108  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller.install - im - INFO -  1115  - execute checkings for install mysql
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,135  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller._create_mysql_user - im - INFO -  864  - create user 'mysql3306' complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,136  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller._create_data_dir - im - INFO -  888  - create datadir '/database/mysql/data/3306' complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,137  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller._create_binlog_dir - im - INFO -  910  - create binary dir '/binlog/mysql/binlog/3306' complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,138  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller._create_backup_dir - im - INFO -  932  - create backup dir '/backup/mysql/backup/3306' complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,138  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfInitRender.render_template_file - im - INFO -  518  -  using  template  'mysql-8.0-init-only.jinja'
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,138  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfInitRender.set_template - im - INFO -  457  -  using  template file 'mysql-8.0-init-only.jinja'
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,175  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfInitRender.render - im - INFO -  497  - render mysql config file /tmp/mysql-init.cnf
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,175  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfInitRender.render_template_file - im - INFO -  524  - render template file complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,175  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfMSRender.render_template_file - im - INFO -  548  -  using  template  'mysql-8.0.18.cnf.jinja'
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,175  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfMSRender.set_template - im - INFO -  457  -  using  template file 'mysql-8.0.18.cnf.jinja'
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,208  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfMSRender.render - im - INFO -  497  - render mysql config file /etc/my-3306.cnf
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,208  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfMSRender.render_template_file - im - INFO -  554  - render template file complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,208  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller._render_production_cnf - im - INFO -  956  - render production cnf complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:03,209  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller._init_database - im - INFO -  1004  -  ['/usr/local/mysql-8.0.18-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64/bin/mysqld',  '--defaults-file=/tmp/mysql-init.cnf',  '--initialize-insecure',  '--user=mysql3306',  '--init-file=/usr/local/dbm-agent/etc/init-users.sql']
    2019-11-17  16:48:13,963  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller._init_database - im - INFO -  1011  - init database complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:13,967  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLSystemdRender.render - im - INFO -  666  - render systemd config file complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:13,967  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller._config_systemd - im - INFO -  1027  - mysql systemd config complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:14,146  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller._enable_mysql - im - INFO -  1038  - config mysql auto start on boot complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:16,172  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller._start_mysql - im - INFO -  1068  - start mysql complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:16,173  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller._export_path - im - INFO -  1078  -  export path complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:16,177  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller._export_header_file - im - INFO -  1106  -  export header file complete
    2019-11-17  16:48:16,177  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller._export_so - im - INFO -  1093  - so file has been exported
    2019-11-17  16:48:16,177  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.SingleInstanceInstaller.install - im - INFO -  1150  - install mysql single instance complete

    2、 检查进程是否运行

    ps -ef | grep mysql
    mysql33+  7418  1  1  16:48  ?  00:00:02  /usr/local/mysql-8.0.18-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my-3306.cnf
    root 7463  7271  0  16:51 pts/0  00:00:00 grep --color=auto mysql

    3、 连接进去测试一下

    mysql -h127.0.0.1  -P3306 -uroot -pdbma@0352
    mysql:  [Warning]  Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands  end  with  ;  or \g.
    Your  MySQL connection id is  8
    Server version:  8.0.18  MySQL  Community  Server  - GPL
    Copyright  (c)  2000,  2019,  Oracle  and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.    
    Oracle  is a registered trademark of Oracle  Corporation  and/or its
    affiliates.  Other names may be trademarks of their respective
    Type  'help;'  or  '\h'  for help.  Type  '\c' to clear the current input statement.
    mysql>  select user,host from mysql.user order by user;
    | user | host |
    | cloneuser |  %  |
    | cloneuser |  |
    | cloneuser | localhost |
    | dbma |  |
    | innodbclusteradmin |  %  |
    | monitor |  |
    | mysql.infoschema | localhost |
    | mysql.session | localhost |
    | mysql.sys | localhost |
    | repluser |  %  |
    | root |  |
    | root | localhost |
    12 rows in  set  (0.01 sec)


    上一个例子中的单机是在 这台主机上的,如果想把 作为它的 slave ;手工做的话就要“备份”,“还原”,“建立主从关系”,dbm-agent 把这些逻辑都实现了,并且只要一行命令就能解决

    1、 假设你已经在 主机上完成了 dbm-agent 的安装与初始化

    dbma-cli-build-slave --host=  --port=3306 build-slave
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,620  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave.remote_clone - bms - INFO -  1590  - execute checkings for install mysql`
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,654  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave.install - bms - INFO -  1115  - execute checkings for install mysql
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,695  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave._create_mysql_user - bms - INFO -  864  - create user 'mysql3306' complete
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,698  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave._create_data_dir - bms - INFO -  888  - create datadir '/database/mysql/data/3306' complete
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,701  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave._create_binlog_dir - bms - INFO -  910  - create binary dir '/binlog/mysql/binlog/3306' complete
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,704  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave._create_backup_dir - bms - INFO -  932  - create backup dir '/backup/mysql/backup/3306' complete
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,706  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfInitRender.render_template_file - bms - INFO -  518  -  using  template  'mysql-8.0-init-only.jinja'
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,706  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfInitRender.set_template - bms - INFO -  457  -  using  template file 'mysql-8.0-init-only.jinja'
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,741  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfInitRender.render - bms - INFO -  497  - render mysql config file /tmp/mysql-init.cnf
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,741  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfInitRender.render_template_file - bms - INFO -  524  - render template file complete
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,742  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfMSRender.render_template_file - bms - INFO -  548  -  using  template  'mysql-8.0.18.cnf.jinja'
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,742  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfMSRender.set_template - bms - INFO -  457  -  using  template file 'mysql-8.0.18.cnf.jinja'
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,779  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfMSRender.render - bms - INFO -  497  - render mysql config file /etc/my-3306.cnf
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,779  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MyCnfMSRender.render_template_file - bms - INFO -  554  - render template file complete
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,779  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave._render_production_cnf - bms - INFO -  956  - render production cnf complete
    2019-11-17  17:03:46,779  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave._init_database - bms - INFO -  1004  -  ['/usr/local/mysql-8.0.18-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64/bin/mysqld',  '--defaults-file=/tmp/mysql-init.cnf',  '--initialize-insecure',  '--user=mysql3306',  '--init-file=/usr/local/dbm-agent/etc/init-users.sql']
    2019-11-17  17:03:57,934  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave._init_database - bms - INFO -  1011  - init database complete
    2019-11-17  17:03:57,938  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLSystemdRender.render - bms - INFO -  666  - render systemd config file complete
    2019-11-17  17:03:57,938  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave._config_systemd - bms - INFO -  1027  - mysql systemd config complete
    2019-11-17  17:03:58,110  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave._enable_mysql - bms - INFO -  1038  - config mysql auto start on boot complete
    2019-11-17  17:04:00,144  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave._start_mysql - bms - INFO -  1068  - start mysql complete
    2019-11-17  17:04:00,145  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave._export_path - bms - INFO -  1078  -  export path complete
    2019-11-17  17:04:00,147  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave._export_header_file - bms - INFO -  1106  -  export header file complete
    2019-11-17  17:04:00,148  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave._export_so - bms - INFO -  1093  - so file has been exported
    2019-11-17  17:04:00,148  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave.install - bms - INFO -  1150  - install mysql single instance complete
    2019-11-17  17:04:00,167  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave.remote_clone - bms - INFO -  1613  - prepare execute 'set @@global.clone_valid_donor_list='';'
    2019-11-17  17:04:00,168  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave.remote_clone - bms - INFO -  1618  - prepare execute 'clone instance from cloneuser@'':3306 identified by 'dbma@0352';
    2019-11-17  17:04:03,431  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave.remote_clone - bms - INFO -  1629  - remote clone complete (mysql will auto restart,please wait)
    2019-11-17  17:04:03,432  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave.build_slave - bms - INFO -  1689  - wait mysql protocol avaiable
    2019-11-17  17:04:14,454  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave.build_slave - bms - INFO -  1710  - prepare execute 'change master to master_host='',master_port=3306,master_user='repluser',master_password='dbma@0352',master_ssl = 1,master_auto_position=1;'
    2019-11-17  17:04:14,466  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave.build_slave - bms - INFO -  1716  - prepare execute 'start slave;'
    2019-11-17  17:04:14,472  - dbm-agent.dbma.mysqldeploy.MySQLBuildSlave.build_slave - bms - INFO -  1728  - rebuild mysql slave complete

    2、 检查主从关系是否正常

    mysql -uroot -pdbma@0352 -h127.0.0.1
    mysql:  [Warning]  Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands  end  with  ;  or \g.
    Your  MySQL connection id is  12
    Server version:  8.0.18  MySQL  Community  Server  - GPL
    Copyright  (c)  2000,  2019,  Oracle  and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
    Oracle  is a registered trademark of Oracle  Corporation  and/or its
    affiliates.  Other names may be trademarks of their respective
    Type  'help;'  or  '\h'  for help.  Type  '\c' to clear the current input statement.
    mysql> show slave status \G
    ***************************  1. row ***************************
    Slave_IO_State:  Waiting  for master to send event
    Master_User: repluser
    Master_Port:  3306
    Connect_Retry:  60
    Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000002
    Read_Master_Log_Pos:  151
    Relay_Log_File: relay.000002
    Relay_Log_Pos:  357
    Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000002
    Slave_IO_Running:  Yes
    Slave_SQL_Running:  Yes


    这里不再举例了可以直接到 github 上看 dbm-agent 的说明, mysql-group-replication,mysql-shell,innodb-cluster,mysql-router 个个都支持。


    1、 一份完整、按需优化&渲染过后的配置文件

    #cat /etc/my-3306.cnf
    # basic
    user = mysql3306
    basedir =  /usr/local/mysql-8.0.18-linux-glibc2.12-x86_64
    datadir =  /database/mysql/data/3306
    server_id =  1388
    port =  3306
    bind_address =  *
    admin_address =
    mysqlx_port =  33060
    admin_port =  33062
    socket =  /tmp/mysql-3306.sock
    mysqlx_socket =  /tmp/mysqlx-33060.sock
    pid_file =  /tmp/
    character_set_server = utf8mb4
    open_files_limit =  102000
    max_prepared_stmt_count =  1048576
    skip_name_resolve =  1
    super_read_only = OFF
    log_timestamps = system
    event_scheduler = OFF
    auto_generate_certs = ON
    activate_all_roles_on_login = ON
    end_markers_in_json = OFF
    tmpdir =  /tmp/
    max_connections =  128
    autocommit = ON
    sort_buffer_size =  256K
    join_buffer_size =  256K
    eq_range_index_dive_limit =  200
    ## table
    big_tables = OFF
    sql_require_primary_key = OFF
    lower_case_table_names =  1
    auto_increment_increment =  1
    auto_increment_offset =  1
    table_open_cache =  4000
    table_definition_cache =  2000
    table_open_cache_instances =  32
    ## net
    max_allowed_packet =  1G
    connect_timeout =  10
    interactive_timeout =  28800
    net_read_timeout =  30
    net_retry_count =  10
    net_write_timeout =  60
    net_buffer_length =  32K
    ## logs
    log_output = FILE
    general_log = OFF
    general_log_file = general.log
    # error
    log_error = err.log
    log_statements_unsafe_for_binlog = ON
    # slow
    slow_query_log = ON
    slow_query_log_file = slow.log
    long_query_time =  2
    log_queries_not_using_indexes = OFF
    log_slow_admin_statements = OFF
    log_slow_slave_statements = OFF
    # binlog
    log_bin =  /binlog/mysql/binlog/3306/mysql-bin
    binlog_checksum = none
    log_bin_trust_function_creators = ON
    binlog_direct_non_transactional_updates = OFF
    binlog_expire_logs_seconds =  604800
    binlog_error_action = ABORT_SERVER
    binlog_format = ROW
    max_binlog_stmt_cache_size =  1G
    max_binlog_cache_size =  1G
    max_binlog_size =  1G
    binlog_order_commits = ON
    binlog_row_image = FULL
    binlog_row_metadata = MINIMAL
    binlog_rows_query_log_events = ON
    binlog_stmt_cache_size =  32K
    log_slave_updates = ON
    binlog_transaction_dependency_history_size =25000
    binlog_transaction_dependency_tracking = WRITESET
    sync_binlog =  1
    binlog_cache_size =  96K
    binlog_group_commit_sync_delay =  0
    binlog_group_commit_sync_no_delay_count =  0
    ## replication
    rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled =  1
    rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled =  1
    rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout =  1000
    rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_point = AFTER_SYNC
    rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_no_slave = ON
    rpl_semi_sync_master_wait_for_slave_count =  1
    master_info_repository = table
    sync_master_info =  10000
    skip_slave_start = OFF
    slave_load_tmpdir =  /tmp/
    plugin_load_add =
    plugin_load_add =
    relay_log = relay
    sync_relay_log =  10000
    sync_relay_log_info =  10000
    relay_log_info_repository = table
    slave_preserve_commit_order = ON
    slave_parallel_type = logical_clock
    slave_parallel_workers =  2
    slave_max_allowed_packet =  1G
    ## gtid
    gtid_mode = ON
    binlog_gtid_simple_recovery = ON
    enforce_gtid_consistency = ON
    gtid_executed_compression_period =  1000
    ## clone
    plugin-load-add =
    # engines
    default_storage_engine = innodb
    default_tmp_storage_engine = innodb
    internal_tmp_mem_storage_engine =  TempTable
    ## innodb
    innodb_data_home_dir =  ./
    innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:64M:autoextend
    innodb_page_size =  16K
    innodb_default_row_format =  dynamic
    innodb_log_group_home_dir =  ./
    innodb_redo_log_encrypt = OFF
    innodb_online_alter_log_max_size =  256M
    innodb_undo_directory =  ./
    innodb_undo_log_encrypt = OFF
    innodb_undo_log_truncate = ON
    innodb_max_undo_log_size =  1G
    innodb_rollback_on_timeout = OFF
    innodb_rollback_segments =  128
    innodb_log_checksums = ON
    innodb_checksum_algorithm = crc32
    innodb_log_compressed_pages = ON
    innodb_doublewrite = ON
    innodb_commit_concurrency =  0
    innodb_read_only = OFF
    innodb_dedicated_server = OFF
    innodb_old_blocks_pct =  37
    innodb_old_blocks_time =  1000
    innodb_random_read_ahead = OFF
    innodb_read_ahead_threshold =  56
    innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm =  20
    innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct =  90
    innodb_lru_scan_depth =  1024
    innodb_adaptive_flushing = ON
    innodb_adaptive_flushing_lwm =  10
    innodb_flushing_avg_loops =  30
    innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct =  50
    innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown = ON
    innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup = ON
    innodb_buffer_pool_filename = ib_buffer_pool
    innodb_stats_persistent = ON
    innodb_stats_on_metadata = ON
    innodb_stats_method = nulls_equal
    innodb_stats_auto_recalc = ON
    innodb_stats_include_delete_marked = ON
    innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages =  20
    innodb_stats_transient_sample_pages =  8
    innodb_status_output = OFF
    innodb_status_output_locks = OFF
    innodb_buffer_pool_dump_now = OFF
    innodb_buffer_pool_load_abort = OFF
    innodb_buffer_pool_load_now = OFF
    innodb_thread_concurrency =  0
    innodb_concurrency_tickets =  5000
    innodb_thread_sleep_delay =  15000
    innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay =  150000
    innodb_read_io_threads =  4
    innodb_write_io_threads =  4
    innodb_use_native_aio = ON
    innodb_flush_sync = OFF
    innodb_spin_wait_delay =  6
    innodb_purge_threads =  4
    innodb_purge_batch_size =  300
    innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency =  128
    innodb_deadlock_detect = ON
    innodb_print_all_deadlocks = ON
    innodb_lock_wait_timeout =  50
    innodb_table_locks = ON
    innodb_sync_array_size =  1
    innodb_sync_spin_loops =  30
    innodb_print_ddl_logs = OFF
    innodb_replication_delay =  0
    innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled = OFF
    innodb_disable_sort_file_cache = OFF
    innodb_numa_interleave = OFF
    innodb_strict_mode = ON
    innodb_sort_buffer_size =  1M
    innodb_fast_shutdown =  1
    innodb_force_load_corrupted = OFF
    innodb_force_recovery =  0
    innodb_temp_tablespaces_dir =  ./#innodb_temp/
    innodb_tmpdir =  ./
    innodb_temp_data_file_path = ibtmp1:64M:autoextend
    innodb_page_cleaners =  4
    innodb_adaptive_hash_index = ON
    innodb_adaptive_hash_index_parts =  8
    innodb_flush_log_at_timeout =  1
    innodb_fsync_threshold =  0
    innodb_fill_factor =  90
    innodb_file_per_table = ON
    innodb_autoextend_increment =  64
    innodb_open_files =  100000
    innodb_buffer_pool_chunk_size =  128M
    innodb_buffer_pool_instances =  1
    innodb_log_files_in_group =  8
    innodb_log_file_size =  64M
    innodb_flush_neighbors =  0
    innodb_io_capacity =  4000
    innodb_io_capacity_max =  20000
    innodb_autoinc_lock_mode =  2
    innodb_change_buffer_max_size =  25
    innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT
    innodb_log_buffer_size =  64M
    innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit =  1
    innodb_buffer_pool_size =  256M
    ####  for performance_schema
    performance_schema =OFF
    performance_schema_consumer_global_instrumentation =ON
    performance_schema_consumer_thread_instrumentation =ON
    performance_schema_consumer_events_stages_current =ON
    performance_schema_consumer_events_stages_history =ON
    performance_schema_consumer_events_stages_history_long =OFF
    performance_schema_consumer_statements_digest =ON
    performance_schema_consumer_events_statements_current =ON
    performance_schema_consumer_events_statements_history =ON
    performance_schema_consumer_events_statements_history_long =OFF
    performance_schema_consumer_events_waits_current =ON
    performance_schema_consumer_events_waits_history =ON
    performance_schema_consumer_events_waits_history_long =OFF
    performance-schema-instrument ='memory/%=COUNTED'
    # -- ~ _ ~    ~ _ ~     ~ _ ~ --
    # base on mysql-8.0.18
    # generated by 2019年10月14日 21时47分11秒
    # wechat: jianglegege
    # email:
    # -- ~ _ ~ --

    2、 把规范和流程物化到 dbm-agent 的每一个环节,而不是口头上或文档上;更加详细的内容可以参考 github dbm-agent



        本文标题:MySQL DBA好帮手--dbm
