Eventing a Foraging System

Eventing a Foraging System

作者: 沧笙 | 来源:发表于2018-07-14 12:51 被阅读191次

    You can grab the plugins used in this video here:
    [Event Copier]
    [Self Switches & Variables]

    Eventing a foraging system might sound pretty basic at first. Just make an event where you can grab some berries from a bush, turn on a self switch, and then call it a day. But once you’ve decided to give them the ability to respawn after a number of days, it suddenly becomes a lot more complex. This tutorial video will cover how to create a foraging system complete with respawning from the ground up!

    You can grab the copy/paste code here:
    For those who wish to acquire the script call used, you can get it from here. Change the values in red to fit your game’s settings.

    var mapId = $ gameVariables.value(1); //此变量包含地图ID。
    var eventId = $ gameVariables.value(2); //此变量包含事件ID。
    var varId = 41 ; //这是您用于重生的自变量ID。
    // Update the self variable: Respawn Day's value. 更新自变量重生天数的值。
    var value = this.getSelfVariableValue(mapId,eventId,varId);
    if(value> 0)value  -  = 1;

    For those who would like to see the structures of the events and common events used, look below:

    Berry Bush – Event

    ◆Comment:// Calculate a random number to determine yield
    ◆Control Variables:#0001 Temp Variable 1 = Random 2..8
    ◆Comment:// Player acquires the random number
    ◆Change Items:Berry + {Temp Variable 1}
    ◆Comment:// Set the number of days to wait before respawning berries
    ◆Control Variables:#0041 Self Var Respawn Days = 3
    ◆Comment:// Play a sound effect and show a message.
    ◆Play SE:Item1 (90, 100, 0)
    ◆Text:None, Dim, Bottom
    :Text:\>            \<Acquired x\v[1] \i[577]\c[4]Berries\c[0]!

    Remember to make a second page with the variable condition set to the Self Variable: Respawn Days.
    请记住创建第二页,其中变量条件设置为自变量:Respawn Days。

    Sleep – Common Event

    ◆Comment:// This common event is used whenever the player
    :Comment:approaches a bed that they can sleep in. For the
    :Comment:time being, it'll only work from the cave's bed.
    ◆Comment:// Ask player about going to sleep
    ◆Text:None, Dim, Bottom
    :Text:\>            \<Do you wish to go to sleep?
    ◆Show Choices:\i[90]Yes, \i[91]No (Window, Right, #2, #2)
    :When \i[90]Yes 
      ◆Comment:// If Yes, fade out the screen
      ◆Play ME:Inn (90, 100, 0)
      ◆Fadeout Screen
      ◆Comment:// Then run the Night Cycle common event
      ◆Common Event:Night Cycle
      ◆Comment:// Finally, teleport the player to the entrance of the cave
      ◆Transfer Player:Around the Cave (15,6) (Direction: Down)
      ◆Wait:60 frames
      ◆Comment:// Fade in the screen
      ◆Fadein Screen
    :When \i[91]No 
      ◆Comment:// If No, do nothing

    Night Cycle – Common Event

    ◆Comment:// The purpose of the Night Cycle common event is to cycle
    :Comment:through all of the common events that are used to update
    :Comment:the various event systems in place for the game.
    ◆Common Event:Update Day Respawns

    Update Day Respawns – Common Event

    ◆Comment:// This event is called by the Night Cycle. It is used
    :Comment:to update the number of days left on each event that
    :Comment:uses the Self Variable: Respawn Days
    :Comment:// Update variable 1 with the Map ID to update the Respawn Days for.
    :Comment:Then, run the Respawn Day Cycler common event.
    :Comment:// Map 14: Around the Cave
    ◆Control Variables:#0001 Temp Variable 1 = 14
    ◆Common Event:Respawn Day Cycler
    :Comment:// Map 25: Another Map
    ◆Control Variables:#0001 Temp Variable 1 = 25
    ◆Common Event:Respawn Day Cycler
    :Comment:// Map 36: Yet Another Map
    ◆Control Variables:#0001 Temp Variable 1 = 36
    ◆Common Event:Respawn Day Cycler
    :Comment:// * Note: Don't worry if the Map ID doesn't exist.
    :Comment:// This will not crash your game.

    Respawn Day Cycler – Common Event

    ◆Comment:// This event is used to cycle through the many events
    :Comment:found on each map and to see if the Self Variable named
    :Comment:Respawn Days needs to be updated.
    :Comment:// Variable 2: The current Event ID being checked. Start at 1.
    :Comment:   Variable 3: The maximum Event ID that needs to be checked. Usually 999.
    ◆Control Variables:#0002 Temp Variable 2 = 1
    ◆Control Variables:#0003 Temp Variable 3 = 999
    ◆Comment:// Create the loop.
      ◆Comment:// Make a script call that gathers the value of the currently looped event ID.
      ◆Script:var mapId = $gameVariables.value(1); // This variable contains the Map ID.
      :Script:var eventId = $gameVariables.value(2); // This variable contains the Event ID.
      :Script:var varId = 41; // This is the self variable ID you're using for Respawn Days.
      :Script:// Update the self variable: Respawn Day's value.
      :Script:var value = this.getSelfVariableValue(mapId, eventId, varId);
      :Script:if (value > 0) value -= 1;
      :Script:this.setSelfVariableValue(mapId, eventId, varId, value);
      ◆Comment:// Increase the current Event ID at the end of each loop.
      ◆Control Variables:#0002 Temp Variable 2 += 1
      ◆If:Temp Variable 2 > Temp Variable 3
        ◆Comment:// If the current Event ID bypasses the maximum Event ID, break the loop.
        ◆Break Loop
    :Repeat Above

    And that’s all! These are the basic and common events used to event a foraging system!

    Happy RPG Making!



          本文标题:Eventing a Foraging System
