Flutter Weekly Issue 46

Flutter Weekly Issue 46

作者: 脉脉不得语 | 来源:发表于2020-03-12 11:30 被阅读0次


    1. 说说 Flutter 中最熟悉的陌生人 —— Key


    1. dna

      一个 flutter plugin. 轻量级的Dart到Native的超级通道,可直接在dart代码中调用原生代码,目前支持安卓 JAVA 和 iOS ObjC.

    2. flutter_wifi_connect

      Dead simple WiFi connect functionality for flutter.

    3. Slider_Button

      A flutter package for creating a slider button widget.

    4. flutter_cognito_plugin

      An AWS Cognito plugin for flutter. Supports both iOS and Android.

    5. FlappyTranslator

      A Flutter internationalized strings generator.

    6. flutter_heatmap_calendar

      A Heatmap Calendar based on Github's contributions chart

    7. OpenJMU

      Rebuild from JiDaTong using flutter. (Due to non-public user system, you can't login or register to our service.)

    8. loading_indicator_view

      A collection of awesome flutter loading animation

    9. brick

      An intuitive way to work with persistent data in Dart

    10. flutter_vibration

      Handle vibration on iOS and Android in Flutter apps

    11. uic_flutter

      A set of Flutter widgets that simplifies implementing most used UI cases.

    12. flutter_universal_platform

      A web-safe implementation of dart.io.Platforms. Helps avoid the "Unsupported operation: Platform._operatingSystem" runtime error.

    13. intl

      This package provides internationalization and localization facilities, including message translation, plurals and genders, date/number formatting and parsing, and bidirectional text.

    14. mock_data

      Generate random data(string, integer, IPs etc...) using Dart.

    15. faker

      A library for Dart that generates fake data.

    16. expansion_tile_card

      An expansion on the Flutter SDK's standard ExpansionTile, to create a Google Material Theme inspired raised widget, ExpansionTileCard, instead.

    17. DayNightSwitcher

      Just a simple simple day / night switcher widget made in pure Dart. It allows you to quickly show a beautiful dark mode switcher widget to your users.

    18. flutter_rust_ffi

      Starter project for Flutter plugins willing to access native and synchronous rust code using FFI

    19. built_collection.dart

      Immutable Dart collections via the builder pattern.

    20. google_nav_bar

      A modern google style nav bar for flutter.

    21. spannablegrid_flutter

      A Flutter SpannableGrid widget that allows it's cells to span columns and rows and supports moving cells inside the grid.

    22. flutter_form_helper

      Ever want to create a quick form without wiring everything up? This might be the library for you.

    23. date_field

      Contains DateField and DateFormField which allows the user to pick a DateTime from an input field!

    24. flutter_pattern_formatter

      A Flutter package provides some implementations of TextInputFormatter that format input with pre-defined patterns


    1. flutter_ffi_webassembly

      Flutter FFI+WebAssembly Example


    1. flutter_hackernews

      Flutter Based Simple HackerNews App

    2. FlutterGamingApp

      A Flutter UI template of a Game Streaming App I found on Dribble.


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