

作者: 嗒嘀嗒嗒嘀嗒嘀嘀 | 来源:发表于2020-05-06 23:02 被阅读0次




    • We haven't got all day. 别浪费时间了。
      本因源自此句想表达的意思应该是这样的 We haven't got all day to do this. (我们不能全天都干这个。)
    • who's heading camp management? 谁负责管理营地? = in charge of
    • we are all wearing multiple hats! 我们都身兼数职!
    • I don't wanna be a show-off in your circus. 我不想在你的马戏团里现眼
    • Give me a showstopper. 给我个重头节目吧(因特别精彩而被掌声打断的表演)
    • -No, you are not serious.
      -I am on occasion. 我难得会认真一次
    • Bellissima! 小可爱/小美丽!
    • I had to get him way down on the price. 我和他砍了价
    • Let's skedaddle,Mrs. Jumbo! circus的stuff驱赶Dumbo的妈妈从火车上下来的时候这么说,skedaddle本意为逃走,这里用在驱赶牲畜。
      Don't make me have to incentivize. 不要逼我动粗。incentivize的本意是to provide (someone) with a good reason for wanting to do something(给与激励)
    • Well, well, Our own Tom Mix ridin' in to the rescue. But he just ain't on the marquee no more. 看看,我们的大明星来英雄救美了, 但是观众已经不买账了。
      Tom Mix是演美国西部电影的著名演员,可以想象西部牛仔英雄救美的样子,骑着马,拉起美女就策马而去。有点像铁木真把他女人拉上马背扬长而去的画面。ride in to the rescue也就是他们这种人擅长的吧。
      marquee除了“帐篷”,还有“字幕”的意思,on the marquee → 在字幕上方,就是说在电视上可以看到。
      至于ain't,ain't is a contraction for am not, is not, are not, has not, and have not in the common English language vernacular. 它是这些的总称。
    • Imagine my surprise, you didn't enlist. 真是出乎意料,你没有服兵役。
      Imagine my surprise, ... 真出乎我意料,... ...
      enlist 服兵役,入伍
    • Notify the press. 通知报社!
    • The Medici Brothers' present the newest precious bundle of joy! 带来一场全新的欢喜盛宴。
      bundle of joy 一束欢乐 → 欢喜盛宴
    • We have been swindled. 我们被骗了。
      swindle 诓骗,骗取
    • We have been bilked with damaged goods. 我们货物有问题。
      bilk 是诈骗、赖账的意思。
    • Look at him, those giant ears weight him down. 那双大耳朵对于他来说太沉了。
    • I'm still working out the timing. 我还在花时间(练习)。
    • What in gush, you really broke the bank with this. 我天,你为了这个真是大放血了。
    • I can salvage something. 我还可以挽回一些损失。
      salvage 抢救
    • There'll be times when my life seemed locked behind a door. Imagine that door and just turn the key.
    • All due respect, I don't got all day. 无意冒犯,我时间真不多。
    • He hails from the far east. 他来自遥远的东方。
      hail是欢呼、招呼的意思,但hail from是来自的...意思
    • What the heck can you tell by appearances, right? 你不能以貌取象,对吧?
      heck是惊叹词,代表一种语气,这句应该是What can you tell by appearances?的意思。
    • You possess something that's very rare in life. 你拥有世间极其罕见的东西。
    • Max, I know your type. Charlatan, con man, opportunist, and I know it comes from a deep desire to build something authentic and true. Max, 我知道你的为人,你是个江湖骗子,欺诈者,机会主义者。我知道这来自于你深深的欲望,创造更真实东西的欲望。
      Charlatan 是江湖骗子、吹牛皮的人a person who claims to have knowledge or skills that they do not really have
      con man 也是骗子的意思,a man who tricks others into giving him money.
    • You are offering me a partnership? 你想让我和你合作?
    • My daughter, she fancies herself the next Marie Curie. 我女儿总幻想自己是下一个居里夫人。
      如果说别人fancy他自己... 就有一种讽刺的口吻在里面。
    • You know, I've been brushing up on your story, Mr. Farrier. 你知道吗,Farrier先生,我很了解你的经历。
      brush up on 是温习的意思,have been brushing up on ... 就是刚刚温习过... , 现在对他十分了解。
    • You are back in the saddle. 你要重操旧业了。
      saddle是马鞍的意思,back in the saddle 重新回到马背上,便是重整旗鼓,重回正轨,重新掌权的意思。
    • On Friday, we premiere our little Dumbo. 星期五,我们的小Dumbo首次亮相。
      premiere是首映、首次公演的意思。电影首映 premiere screen debut
    • I get goose bumps. 我起鸡皮疙瘩了。
    • Let's not forget from whence we came. 不要忘记我们的初衷。
    • That's why it's become abundantly clear, why we need you. 这就十分清楚了,我们为什么需要你。
      abundantly 可以修饰clear,表示非常非常清楚。
    • Nice boot you bagged there. What are they, shark skin? *你靴子很漂亮,鲨鱼皮的吗?
      bag做动词有 声称拥有、占有的意思。占座位原来只用bag就好啦!Quick, bag that table over there! *
    • You'd better keep your elephant friend on my good side. 你最好别让你的象惹我不爽。
    • She will handle your schedule, correspondence, and all your calls. 她负责你的日程和所有通讯、电话。
    • A millionaire's girlfriend. That's a tough break. 做个富豪的女友,真是走了狗屎运。


    • circus 马戏团
      The Medici Brothers' circus
    • Stallion star 马术明星
    • Miss Atlantis 美人鱼小姐
    • enchanting 迷人的
      an enchanting view 迷人的景色
      enchanting Pramesh
    • fugitive scalawag 坏蛋
    • budgets 预算、accounting 记账、inventory 存货清单、货物清点
    • clairvoyance 千里眼
    • telepathy 心灵感应、传心术
    • do a headstand 倒立
    • rascal 流氓、无赖
    • run off with ... 和...私奔
    • roustabouts 打杂工
    • scrawny, mangy, cut-rate elephants. 瘦骨嶙峋的、脏兮兮的、廉价的大象
    • brand-new 暂新的,新获得的
    • buy sth off sb 从某人那里买来某物
    • tumblin' 翻跟头
    • tightrope 走钢丝
    • in the center ring 在剧中是在舞台上的意思。
    • vet 兽医
    • protege 继承人、门徒 a young person who is helped in their career and personal development by a more experienced person
    • troup 戏班子,表演团
    • colosseum 大剧场、竞技场
    • military man 军人


    • 火车上写着 CASEY JB. 为何翻译为凯西小火车? JB. 是火车的意思吗?
    • The Strongo 为何是大力士的意思?

    妈妈怀中的Dumbo 洗澡的Dumbo 飞行中的惊魂一瞥 小丑Dumbo 惊慌失措的Dumbo 被囚禁的Dumbo 惊喜的Dumbo Dumbo版美女与野兽 大眼睛Dumbo



