HBase 是什么?
在HBase官网中对HBase的描述为“ Apache HBase™ is the Hadoop database, a distributed, scalable, big data store”,直译过来就是HBase是基于Hadoop的数据库具有分布式、可伸缩、大数据存储特点。如果对HBase感兴趣可以直接去HBase官网查看。
PHOENIX官网中的描述为“Phoenix is an open source SQL skin for HBase. You use the standard JDBC APIs instead of the regular HBase client APIs to create tables, insert data, and query your HBase data.”,翻译过来可以直接理解为PHOENIX是构建于HBase之上的一款插件,这款插件使得可以通过标准的JDBC接口代替HBase API直接在HBase上建表、插入数据以及查询数据。如果感兴趣可以直接去官网查看介绍。
最近本菜参加部门一个数据存储相关的项目,主要是采用Oracle/MySql + Redis + HBase作为底层数据存储。由于项目组其他人对Hadoop以及HBase不太清楚加上PHOENIX在支持二级索引等等原因,最终决定不直接使用HBase提供的API而是采用PHOENIX通过标准的JDBC接口执行SQL来实现。
Put put = new Put(RowKey.getBytes());//RowKey 是一个字符串 put.addColumn(ColumnFamily.getBytes(),QUALIFIER.getBytes(),Bytes.toBytes(Value));//ColumnFamily,QUALIFIER,Value是字符串,
Table table = conn.getTable(TableName.valueOf(TableName));//TableName 是字符串
其实看了这一小段代码就能发现HBase API中数据相关用的都是byte[] 而不是什么int/float/double什么的,实际HBase支持的类型完全就是看Bytes.toBytes的参数。因为HBase底层就是存储的byte数组,具体你想要存什么类型只要你写两个方法,一个是把数据转成byte数组,一个是把byte数组转回来。其实PHOENIX底层数据类型就是这么干的,下面粘贴PHOENIX中关于TimeStamp类型的定义以及关键代码:
public class PTimestamp extends PDataType<Timestamp> {
public static final int MAX_NANOS_VALUE_EXCLUSIVE = 1000000;
public static final PTimestamp INSTANCE = new PTimestamp();
private PTimestamp() {
super("TIMESTAMP", Types.TIMESTAMP, java.sql.Timestamp.class,
new PDate.DateCodec(), 9);
public byte[] toBytes(Object object) {
byte[] bytes = new byte[getByteSize()];
toBytes(object, bytes, 0);
return bytes;
public int toBytes(Object object, byte[] bytes, int offset) {
if (object == null) {
// Create the byte[] of size MAX_TIMESTAMP_BYTES
if(bytes.length != getByteSize()) {
bytes = Bytes.padTail(bytes, (getByteSize() - bytes.length));
PDate.INSTANCE.getCodec().encodeLong(0l, bytes, offset);
Bytes.putInt(bytes, offset + Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG, 0);
return getByteSize();
java.sql.Timestamp value = (java.sql.Timestamp) object;
// For Timestamp, the getTime() method includes milliseconds that may
// be stored in the nanos part as well.
PDate.INSTANCE.getCodec().encodeLong(value.getTime(), bytes, offset);
* By not getting the stuff that got spilled over from the millis part,
* it leaves the timestamp's byte representation saner - 8 bytes of millis | 4 bytes of nanos.
* Also, it enables timestamp bytes to be directly compared with date/time bytes.
Bytes.putInt(bytes, offset + Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG, value.getNanos() % MAX_NANOS_VALUE_EXCLUSIVE);
return getByteSize();
public Object toObject(Object object, PDataType actualType) {
if (object == null) {
return null;
if (equalsAny(actualType, PDate.INSTANCE, PUnsignedDate.INSTANCE, PTime.INSTANCE,
PUnsignedTime.INSTANCE)) {
return new java.sql.Timestamp(((java.util.Date) object).getTime());
} else if (equalsAny(actualType, PTimestamp.INSTANCE, PUnsignedTimestamp.INSTANCE)) {
return object;
} else if (equalsAny(actualType, PLong.INSTANCE, PUnsignedLong.INSTANCE)) {
return new java.sql.Timestamp((Long) object);
} else if (actualType == PDecimal.INSTANCE) {
BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) object;
long ms = bd.longValue();
int nanos =
return DateUtil.getTimestamp(ms, nanos);
} else if (actualType == PVarchar.INSTANCE) {
return DateUtil.parseTimestamp((String) object);
return throwConstraintViolationException(actualType, this);
public java.sql.Timestamp toObject(byte[] b, int o, int l, PDataType actualType,
SortOrder sortOrder, Integer maxLength, Integer scale) {
if (actualType == null || l == 0) {
return null;
java.sql.Timestamp v;
if (equalsAny(actualType, PTimestamp.INSTANCE, PUnsignedTimestamp.INSTANCE)) {
long millisDeserialized =
(actualType == PTimestamp.INSTANCE ? PDate.INSTANCE : PUnsignedDate.INSTANCE).getCodec()
.decodeLong(b, o, sortOrder);
v = new java.sql.Timestamp(millisDeserialized);
int nanosDeserialized =
PUnsignedInt.INSTANCE.getCodec().decodeInt(b, o + Bytes.SIZEOF_LONG, sortOrder);
* There was a bug in serialization of timestamps which was causing the sub-second millis part
* of time stamp to be present both in the LONG and INT bytes. Having the <100000 check
* makes this serialization fix backward compatible.
nanosDeserialized < MAX_NANOS_VALUE_EXCLUSIVE ? v.getNanos() + nanosDeserialized : nanosDeserialized);
return v;
} else if (equalsAny(actualType, PDate.INSTANCE, PUnsignedDate.INSTANCE, PTime.INSTANCE,
PUnsignedTime.INSTANCE, PLong.INSTANCE, PUnsignedLong.INSTANCE)) {
return new java.sql.Timestamp(actualType.getCodec().decodeLong(b, o, sortOrder));
} else if (actualType == PDecimal.INSTANCE) {
BigDecimal bd = (BigDecimal) actualType.toObject(b, o, l, actualType, sortOrder);
long ms = bd.longValue();
int nanos = (bd.remainder(BigDecimal.ONE).multiply(QueryConstants.BD_MILLIS_NANOS_CONVERSION))
v = DateUtil.getTimestamp(ms, nanos);
return v;
throwConstraintViolationException(actualType, this);
return null;
Put put = new Put("111".getBytes());
put.addColumn("0".getBytes(),"TRANSACTION_TIME".getBytes(), PTimestamp.toBytes(new Timestamp(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse("2020-09-09 11:11:11.111").getTime())));
Table table = conn.getTable(TableName.valueOf("EXCHANGE"));