RocksDB系列九:Administration and Da

RocksDB系列九:Administration and Da

作者: 薛少佳 | 来源:发表于2018-07-18 20:27 被阅读2次

Ldb Tool


$./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db --create_if_missing put a1 b1

    $ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db get a1
    $ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db get a2
    Failed: NotFound:

    $ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db scan
    a1 : b1
    $ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db scan --hex
    0x6131 : 0x6231
    $ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db put --key_hex 0x6132 b2
    $ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db scan
    a1 : b1
    a2 : b2
    $ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db get --value_hex a2
    $ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db get --hex 0x6131
    $ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db batchput a3 b3 a4 b4
    $ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db scan
    a1 : b1
    a2 : b2
    a3 : b3
    a4 : b4
    $ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db batchput "multiple words key" "multiple words value"
    $ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db scan
    Created bg thread 0x7f4a1dbff700
    a1 : b1
    a2 : b2
    a3 : b3
    a4 : b4
    multiple words key : multiple words value

以HEX格式dump leveldb数据库数据

$ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db dump --hex > /tmp/dbdump


$ cat /tmp/dbdump | ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db_new load --hex --compression_type=bzip2 --block_size=65536 --create_if_missing --disable_wal

compact 一个当前存在的leveldb数据库

$ ./ldb --db=/tmp/test_db_new compact --compression_type=bzip2 --block_size=65536

可以通过命令行参数--column_family=<string>来指定query操作的列族,--try_load_options可以load DB的option file以打开DB。当操作DB时,建议总是打开这个参数设置。如果打开DB时使用了默认的option而不是DB的option file中的信息,那么有可能mess up LSM-tree,且后续无法自动恢复。

SST dump tool

sst_dump tool可以dump数据然后分析SST file。在SST file上,sst_dump tool 提供了多个操作方法。

$ ./sst_dump
file or directory must be specified.

sst_dump --file=<data_dir_OR_sst_file> [--command=check|scan|raw]
      Path to SST file or directory containing SST files

        check: Iterate over entries in files but dont print anything except if an error is encounterd (default command)
        scan: Iterate over entries in files and print them to screen
        raw: Dump all the table contents to <file_name>_dump.txt
        verify: Iterate all the blocks in files verifying checksum to detect possible coruption but dont print anything except if a corruption is encountered
        recompress: reports the SST file size if recompressed with different
                    compression types

      Can be combined with scan command to print the keys and values in Hex

      Key to start reading from when executing check|scan

      Key to stop reading at when executing check|scan

      Returns all keys with this prefix when executing check|scan
      Cannot be used in conjunction with --from

      Maximum number of entries to read when executing check|scan

      Verify file checksum when executing check|scan

      Can be combined with --from and --to to indicate that these values are encoded in Hex

      Print table properties after iterating over the file when executing

      Can be combined with --command=recompress to set the block size that will
      be used when trying different compression algorithms

    --compression_types=<comma-separated list of CompressionType members, e.g.,
      Can be combined with --command=recompress to run recompression for this
      list of compression types

      Convenience option to parse an internal key on the command line. Dumps the
      internal key in hex format {'key' @ SN: type}

dump sst file blocks

./sst_dump --file=/path/to/sst/000829.sst --command=raw

这个命令会生成一个txt file,命名为/path/to/sst/000829.sst。这个文件会包含所有的Index blocks和data blocks且以hex 编码,也会包含table property相关的信息,footer details和meta index datails。
Printing entries in SST file

./sst_dump --file=/path/to/sst/000829.sst --command=scan --read_num=5

**下面命令会打印SST file的前5个key

'Key1' @ 5: 1 => Value1
'Key2' @ 2: 1 => Value2
'Key3' @ 4: 1 => Value3
'Key4' @ 3: 1 => Value4
'Key5' @ 1: 1 => Value5


'<key>' @ <sequence number>: <type> => <value>


./sst_dump --file=/path/to/sst/000829.sst --command=scan --read_num=5 --output_hex


./sst_dump --file=/path/to/sst/000829.sst --command=scan --from="key2" --to="key4"

也可以用16进制来传递from to参数

./sst_dump --file=/path/to/sst/000829.sst --command=scan --from="0x6B657932" --to="0x6B657934" --input_key_hex

check SST file

./sst_dump --file=/path/to/sst/000829.sst --command=check --verify_checksum

这个命令会遍历SST file的所有entry,但是不会打印任何信息除非发现了SST file存在问题。这个命令操作也会校验checksum。
打印SST file的property

./sst_dump --file=/path/to/sst/000829.sst --show_properties

这个命令会读SST file文件的property,并打印,输出如下

from [] to []
Process /path/to/sst/000829.sst
Sst file format: block-based
Table Properties:
  # data blocks: 26541
  # entries: 2283572
  raw key size: 264639191
  raw average key size: 115.888262
  raw value size: 26378342
  raw average value size: 11.551351
  data block size: 67110160
  index block size: 3620969
  filter block size: 0
  (estimated) table size: 70731129
  filter policy name: N/A
  # deleted keys: 571272

SST_dump可以用来在不同的压缩算法下check 文件的size

./sst_dump --file=/path/to/sst/000829.sst --show_compression_sizes

使用--show_compression_sizes参数 sst_dump会在内存中重建SST file,可以使用不同的压缩算法,然后report file size,输出如下

from [] to []
Process /path/to/sst/000829.sst
Sst file format: block-based
Block Size: 16384
Compression: kNoCompression Size: 103974700
Compression: kSnappyCompression Size: 103906223
Compression: kZlibCompression Size: 80602892
Compression: kBZip2Compression Size: 76250777
Compression: kLZ4Compression Size: 103905572
Compression: kLZ4HCCompression Size: 97234828
Compression: kZSTDNotFinalCompression Size: 79821573

这些文件是在内存中生成的,文件中block size都是16KB,block_size可以通过--set_block_size配置修改



    本文标题:RocksDB系列九:Administration and Da
