命令行/终端 翻译工具

命令行/终端 翻译工具

作者: 我的咯嗨 | 来源:发表于2018-05-17 21:02 被阅读0次

,甚至是整句。在 mac 下支持简单的发音。对于英文不是特别优秀的开发工程师是非常实用的。操作非常简便。

  • 安装
$ npm install fanyi -g


$ fy word 
$ fanyi word 
  • 例子
$ fy love 
Last login: Thu May 17 21:05:33 on ttys293
fanchengdeMacBook-Pro:~ fancheng$ fy love

 love  [ lʌv ]  ~  fanyi.youdao.com
 - n. 恋爱;亲爱的;酷爱;喜爱的事物
 - vt. 喜欢;热爱;爱慕
 - vi. 爱
 - n. (Love)人名;(英)洛夫
 1. Love
 2. Endless Love
 3. puppy love
 love  英[ lʌv ]  美[ lʌv ]  ~  iciba.com
 - vt.& vi. 爱,热爱;爱戴;喜欢;赞美,称赞;
 - vt. 喜爱;喜好;喜欢;爱慕;
 - n. 爱情,爱意;疼爱;热爱;爱人,所爱之物;
 1. They happily reflect the desire for a fusional love that inspired the legendary LOVE bracelet Cartier.
 2. Love is the radical of lovely , loveliness , and loving.
    Love是lovely, loveliness 及loving的词根.
 3. She rhymes " love " with " dove ".
    她将 " love " 与 " dove " 两字押韵.
 4. In sports, love means nil.
    体育中, love的意思是零.
 5. Ludde Omholt with his son, Love, in S ? derma a bohemian and culturally rich district in Stockholm.
    LuddeOmholt和他的儿子Love在南城 —— 斯德哥尔摩市 的一个充满波西米亚风情的文化富饶区散步.
 love  ~  dictionaryapi.com
  - strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties 
  - attraction based on sexual desire :affection and tenderness felt by 
  - affection based on admiration, , or common interests 
  - an assurance of affection 
  - warm , enthusiasm, or devotion 
  - the object of attachment, devotion, or admiration 
  - a beloved person
  - unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another: as
  - the fatherly concern of God for humankind
  - brotherly concern for others 
  - a person's adoration of God
  - a god or  of love
  - an  episode
  - the sexual embrace
  - a score of zero (as in tennis)
  - to hold dear
  - to feel a lover's passion, devotion, or tenderness for
  - to fondle 
  - to copulate with
  - to like or desire actively :take pleasure in 
  - to  in 
  - to feel affection or experience desire
fanchengdeMacBook-Pro:~ fancheng$ 
  • 若有如下安装问题

    屏幕快照 2018-05-17 下午8.49.01.png

原因: 执行命令行命令时没有获得管理员权限

解决办法: 在命令前面加上sudo即可.然后输入电脑的管理员密码操作即可完成!

$ sudio npm install fanyi -g
屏幕快照 2018-05-17 下午8.49.20.png



    本文标题:命令行/终端 翻译工具
