

作者: 无悔zero | 来源:发表于2021-01-03 11:16 被阅读0次



(一)NSCache —— OC


NSCache *cache = [[NSCache alloc] init];
cache.countLimit = 5;//限制
cache.delegate = self;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    [cache setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"value%d",i] forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"key%d",i]];
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    NSLog(@"object:%@, index:%d", [cache objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"key%d",i]],i);
- (void)cache:(NSCache *)cache willEvictObject:(id)obj{
    NSLog(@"obj:%@ will evict by Cache:%@",obj,cache);
  1. GNUstep源码探究NSCache在OC中的缓存策略,先看看NSCache的结构:
@interface GS_GENERIC_CLASS(NSCache, KeyT, ValT) : NSObject
#if GS_EXPOSE(NSCache)
  /** The maximum total cost of all cache objects. */
  NSUInteger _costLimit;//最大缓存
  /** Total cost of currently-stored objects. */
  NSUInteger _totalCost;
  /** The maximum number of objects in the cache. */
  NSUInteger _countLimit;//最大个数
  /** The delegate object, notified when objects are about to be evicted. */
  id _delegate;
  /** Flag indicating whether discarded objects should be evicted */
  BOOL _evictsObjectsWithDiscardedContent;//标识是否实现NSDiscardableContent协议
  /** Name of this cache. */
  NSString *_name;
  /** The mapping from names to objects in this cache. */
  NSMapTable *_objects; //没有copy协议
  /** LRU ordering of all potentially-evictable objects in this cache. */
  GS_GENERIC_CLASS(NSMutableArray, ValT) *_accesses;
  /** Total number of accesses to objects */
  int64_t _totalAccesses;
  /* Pointer to private additional data used to avoid breaking ABI
   * when we don't have the non-fragile ABI available.
   * Use this mechanism rather than changing the instance variable
   * layout (see Source/GSInternal.h for details).
  @private id _internal GS_UNUSED_IVAR;


  1. 从添加入手:
@implementation NSCache
- (void) setObject: (id)obj forKey: (id)key
  [self setObject: obj forKey: key cost: 0];
@implementation NSCache
- (void) setObject: (id)obj forKey: (id)key cost: (NSUInteger)num
  _GSCachedObject *oldObject = [_objects objectForKey: key];
  _GSCachedObject *newObject;

  if (nil != oldObject)
      [self removeObjectForKey: oldObject->key];//有旧的要移除
  [self _evictObjectsToMakeSpaceForObjectWithCost: num];//缓存移除
  newObject = [_GSCachedObject new];
  // Retained here, released when obj is dealloc'd
  newObject->object = RETAIN(obj);
  newObject->key = RETAIN(key);//不是copy
  newObject->cost = num;
  if ([obj conformsToProtocol: @protocol(NSDiscardableContent)])
      newObject->isEvictable = YES;//标记是否可以被移除
      [_accesses addObject: newObject];
  [_objects setObject: newObject forKey: key];//添加新的
  _totalCost += num;//总大小添加


@interface _GSCachedObject : NSObject
  id object;//存储的对象
  NSString *key;//这个对象对应的key
  int accessCount;//这个对象的访问次数
  NSUInteger cost;//这个对象的内存消耗
  BOOL isEvictable;//这个对象是否能够被移除



@protocol NSDiscardableContent
- (BOOL)beginContentAccess;
- (void)endContentAccess;
- (void)discardContentIfPossible;//释放内存
- (BOOL)isContentDiscarded;//判断
  1. 接下来进入_evictObjectsToMakeSpaceForObjectWithCost看看具体的缓存策略:
@implementation NSCache
- (void)_evictObjectsToMakeSpaceForObjectWithCost: (NSUInteger)cost
  NSUInteger spaceNeeded = 0;
  NSUInteger count = [_objects count];
  if (_costLimit > 0 && _totalCost + cost > _costLimit)
    {//需要移除的空间 = 总消耗的缓存空间 + 这个对象的内存消耗 - 上限
      spaceNeeded = _totalCost + cost - _costLimit;

  // Only evict if we need the space.
  if (count > 0 && (spaceNeeded > 0 || count >= _countLimit))
      NSMutableArray *evictedKeys = nil;
      // Round up slightly.
      NSUInteger averageAccesses = ((_totalAccesses / (double)count) * 0.2) + 1;
      NSEnumerator *e = [_accesses objectEnumerator];
      _GSCachedObject *obj;
      if (_evictsObjectsWithDiscardedContent)
      evictedKeys = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
      while (nil != (obj = [e nextObject]))
      // Don't evict frequently accessed objects.
      if (obj->accessCount < averageAccesses && obj->isEvictable)//遍历数组,如果元素访问次数少于平均,且标记为可移除
          [obj->object discardContentIfPossible];//发送消息,释放内存
          if ([obj->object isContentDiscarded])//释放完成
          NSUInteger cost = obj->cost;

          // Evicted objects have no cost.
          obj->cost = 0;
          // Don't try evicting this again in future; it's gone already.
          obj->isEvictable = NO;
          // Remove this object as well as its contents if required
          if (_evictsObjectsWithDiscardedContent)
              [evictedKeys addObject: obj->key];
          _totalCost -= cost;
          // If we've freed enough space, give up
          if (cost > spaceNeeded)
          spaceNeeded -= cost;//根据大小全部移除
      // Evict all of the objects whose content we have discarded if required
      if (_evictsObjectsWithDiscardedContent)
      NSString *key;

      e = [evictedKeys objectEnumerator];
      while (nil != (key = [e nextObject]))
          [self removeObjectForKey: key];//直接移除
    [evictedKeys release];
  • 计算出平均访问次数,当缓存大小或个数超出上限时,移除超出上限的缓存,优先把少于平均访问次数的数据移除释放。
  1. 移除前会调用代理回调:
@interface _GSCachedObject : NSObject
- (void) removeObjectForKey: (id)key
  _GSCachedObject *obj = [_objects objectForKey: key];

  if (nil != obj)
      [_delegate cache: self willEvictObject: obj->object];//代理回调
      _totalAccesses -= obj->accessCount;
      [_objects removeObjectForKey: key];//移除
      [_accesses removeObjectIdenticalTo: obj];


(二)NSCache —— Swift


let cache = NSCache<AnyObject, AnyObject>.init()
cache.countLimit = 5
cache.delegate = self
for i in 0..<10 {
    cache.setObject(NSString(string: "value\(i)"), forKey:NSString(string: "key\(i)"))
for i in 0..<10 {
    print("object:\(cache.object(forKey: NSString(string: "key\(i)"))), index:\(i)")
func cache(_ cache: NSCache<AnyObject, AnyObject>, willEvictObject obj: Any) {
    print("obj:\(obj) will evict by Cache:\(cache)")
  1. swift-corelibs-foundation源码探究NSCache在Swift中的缓存策略,先看看NSCache的结构:
open class NSCache<KeyType : AnyObject, ObjectType : AnyObject> : NSObject {
    private var _entries = Dictionary<NSCacheKey, NSCacheEntry<KeyType, ObjectType>>()//包装的类型
    private let _lock = NSLock()
    private var _totalCost = 0
    private var _head: NSCacheEntry<KeyType, ObjectType>?
    open var name: String = ""
    open var totalCostLimit: Int = 0 // limits are imprecise/not strict
    open var countLimit: Int = 0 // limits are imprecise/not strict
    open var evictsObjectsWithDiscardedContent: Bool = false


  1. 从添加入手:
open class NSCache<KeyType : AnyObject, ObjectType : AnyObject> : NSObject {
    open func setObject(_ obj: ObjectType, forKey key: KeyType) {
        setObject(obj, forKey: key, cost: 0)
open class NSCache<KeyType : AnyObject, ObjectType : AnyObject> : NSObject {
    open func setObject(_ obj: ObjectType, forKey key: KeyType, cost g: Int) {
        let g = max(g, 0)//比较大小
        let keyRef = NSCacheKey(key)//包装key
        let costDiff: Int
        if let entry = _entries[keyRef] {
            costDiff = g - entry.cost
            entry.cost = g
            entry.value = obj
            if costDiff != 0 {
        } else {
            let entry = NSCacheEntry(key: key, value: obj, cost: g)//包装value
            _entries[keyRef] = entry
            costDiff = g
        _totalCost += costDiff
        //淘汰策略:totalCostLimit 总大小限制
        var purgeAmount = (totalCostLimit > 0) ? (_totalCost - totalCostLimit) : 0
        while purgeAmount > 0 {
            if let entry = _head {
                delegate?.cache(unsafeDowncast(self, to:NSCache<AnyObject, AnyObject>.self), willEvictObject: entry.value)//先调用代理
                _totalCost -= entry.cost//总消耗 减去 当前对象的内存消耗
                purgeAmount -= entry.cost//应减去的消耗 减去 当前对象的内存消耗
                remove(entry) // _head will be changed to next entry in remove(_:)
                _entries[NSCacheKey(entry.key)] = nil//移除
            } else {
        //淘汰策略:countLimit 总数量限制
        var purgeCount = (countLimit > 0) ? (_entries.count - countLimit) : 0
        while purgeCount > 0 {
            if let entry = _head {
                delegate?.cache(unsafeDowncast(self, to:NSCache<AnyObject, AnyObject>.self), willEvictObject: entry.value)//先调用代理
                _totalCost -= entry.cost
                purgeCount -= 1
                remove(entry) // _head will be changed to next entry in remove(_:)
                _entries[NSCacheKey(entry.key)] = nil//移除
            } else {


private class NSCacheEntry<KeyType : AnyObject, ObjectType : AnyObject> {
    var key: KeyType
    var value: ObjectType
    var cost: Int
    var prevByCost: NSCacheEntry?
    var nextByCost: NSCacheEntry?
    init(key: KeyType, value: ObjectType, cost: Int) { ... }

fileprivate class NSCacheKey: NSObject {
    var value: AnyObject
    init(_ value: AnyObject) { ... }
    override var hash: Int { ... }
    override func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool { ... }
  1. 在添加缓存时,就会进行排序:
open class NSCache<KeyType : AnyObject, ObjectType : AnyObject> : NSObject {
        private func insert(_ entry: NSCacheEntry<KeyType, ObjectType>) {
        guard var currentElement = _head else {
            // The cache is empty
            entry.prevByCost = nil
            entry.nextByCost = nil
            _head = entry
        guard entry.cost > currentElement.cost else {
            // Insert entry at the head
            entry.prevByCost = nil
            entry.nextByCost = currentElement
            currentElement.prevByCost = entry
            _head = entry//所以_head一直是最小的,而小的cost会被优先移除
        while let nextByCost = currentElement.nextByCost, nextByCost.cost < entry.cost {
            currentElement = nextByCost
        // Insert entry between currentElement and nextElement
        let nextElement = currentElement.nextByCost
        currentElement.nextByCost = entry
        entry.prevByCost = currentElement
        entry.nextByCost = nextElement
        nextElement?.prevByCost = entry
  1. 移除前会调用代理回调,移除是通过把字典对应的value置空,而remove的作用不是移除而是更新_head
open class NSCache<KeyType : AnyObject, ObjectType : AnyObject> : NSObject {
    private func remove(_ entry: NSCacheEntry<KeyType, ObjectType>) {
        let oldPrev = entry.prevByCost
        let oldNext = entry.nextByCost
        oldPrev?.nextByCost = oldNext
        oldNext?.prevByCost = oldPrev
        if entry === _head {
            _head = oldNext//head更新




