读这一部分之前,我觉得作者在introduction和第一章的前半部分花了不少笔墨描述Steve Faloon在实验中提高瞬时记忆strings of digits的过程。我产生了两个疑惑。一,作者肯定还会讲述这个实验,起因、经过、结果我们都已经在前两天的内容中读到了,那么他们还有什么角度去描述和利用该实验呢?二,一个实验略显单薄(更何况只有一个受试者,我第一眼看到这个实验时就在质疑它的信度和效度),其他例子和故事将怎样配合,例如作者会在何时安排其他故事出现,各个故事会占到怎样的比重等。
万万没想到,这部分一开始就重新勾起了我的阅读兴趣。发生在music instructor和music student之间imaginary conversation 通俗易懂,后面作者不但反复将其与Steve的实验做对比(正反对比),更是发现短短几句对话包含了作者谈到的关于purposeful practice的各个特点:focused/feedback involved/getting out of comfort zone等。在讲每一个特点时,作者都会拿这个对话中的音乐学生与Steve做对比,正所谓“对比出真相”,我作为读者也开始在阅读的时候审视自己。

Purposeful practice is focused. Unlike the music student that Oare describes, Steve Faloon was focused on his task from the very beginning,...
Purposeful practice involves feedback. ... In Oare's example the music student got belated feedback at school with a C on the performance test, but there seems to have been no feedback during practice... In our memory study, Steve got simple, direct feedback after every attempt—correct or incorrect, success or failure. ...
作者讲述“刻意练习”,维度从简单直观(focused)到相对复杂涉及到psychology (getting out of one's comfort zone)。讲述也是由浅及深。Focused作者用了2段就讲完了,但是跳出舒适区作者用了近9段。我个人理解是,概念越来越抽象,难度越来越大,读者需要更多的background information去理解相关概念,所以作者在跳出舒适区的部分引用了更多的例子,做更多角度的对比。
Oare's music student show no sign of ever pushing himself beyond what was familiar and comfortable....
Our memory experiment was set up to keep Steve from getting too comfortable....
Perhaps my favorite example of this lesson is the case of Ben Franklin's chess skills. ...
put a bunch of baby steps together to reach a longer-term goal
刻意练习就是需要我们将点滴进步积累成为长足提高的过程。我可能会写:break a longer-term goal into several achievable small goals之类。下次说“不积跬步无以至千里”我一定会用这个表达。

pep talk
...he gave hisself an excited pep talk
Again, the pep talk:
pep做名词是指energy and enthusiasm,精力、活力、热情。动词经常搭配介词up使用,pep up/liven up,是指增加...的趣味;使...活跃:to make somebody or something more interesting or full of energy。需要注意的是,这个表达不够正式,口语中用的较多。
仿句练习:Before you speak in front of a large audience, give yourself a pep talk.
a recipe for something
This is a recipe for stagnation, not improvement.
recipe 本身是“菜谱”,但 recipe for something 就是formula,是方法、秘诀、诀窍:a method or an idea that seems like to have a particular result。【这个表达在academic writing里也可以用】
仿句练习:Being on a diet is not a recipe for health weight loss; you also need to work out regularly.

But sometimes you run into something that stops you cold and it seems like you'll never be able to do it.
cold在这里是副词,表示suddenly 按到completely, 突然一下子,完全就。【我很喜欢这种有意思的小词】
仿句练习:Tang Jing's unexpected proposal to He Han revealed their complex relationships cold.

on the fly
R, by contrast, devised her mnemonics on the fly, deciding according to the digits she heard ...
on the fly意思是“赶紧地”, if you do something on the fly, you do it quickly while something else is happening, and without thinking about it very much.
仿句练习:I run into the restaurant on the fly to get a cup pf coffee.
Focus and plan,为了让自己读书写笔记地效率更高一些,第一遍我盲听了29分钟的audiobook为的是to get the gist of the section。然后打开书按照计划的时间(20-30分钟)捋顺思路、找到想要分享的字词与表达。最后打开简书,强迫自己在90分钟之内把这篇笔记写完。整个过程大概花费2个半小时(顺利的话2小时之内)。大家要的不一样,我是想仔细体会自己的思考过程,包括痛苦和进步,所以豁得出去这个时间 (motivation)。
前两天的分享中,我要么对语言分析有缺失,要么对结构分析不足,反而花了大力气写篇幅偏长的summary。这次我把重点放在分析结构语言和表达上,少写summary。啊,捋顺思路太痛苦了,因为我很容易迷失在细节里(since always),但这次强迫自己distance myself 来回翻看上下联系左右联想,好歹在“整体感受”中迈出了分析结构的第一步。以后再慢慢提升。:)
The author discussed the features of deliberate practice by citing several different examples. It requires plan, focus, feedback, and stepping out of one's comfortable zone, clear achievable goals towards a longer-term objective, and proper motivation.
However, purpose practice has its own limits. One's success cannot be mechanically duplicated by sheer application or imitation. It should be deployed flexibly and we need take into account the specific contexts.