按照官方文档打的包,UUID 都已经注册过了,但是打的包无论如何也打不开。
搞了两三天,后来终于发现,传输方式可能会影响打包。我们用的是 telegram 进行测试包传输的,接收包的人就是无法打开,也没有报其他错误。
然而,通过 Airdrop,微信,邮件等方式。就没问题。
Distribute to registered computers (macOS)
macOS apps can be configured to launch outside Xcode on designated Mac computers using a development provisioning profile. The development provisioning profile uses the same pool of Mac computers that you register for development. You are limited to 100 combined development and test Mac computers per year.
Step 1: Register all test Mac computers
Register the Mac computers you want to use for testing in your developer account before exporting your app using Xcode. Xcode automatically registers a Mac when you launch an app through Xcode. To register additional Mac computers, collect device IDs from testers and register multiple devices using your developer account. Users can locate a Mac device ID using System Information (macOS).
Step 2: Archive your app
Prepare your app for distribution and then create an archive of your app.
Step 3: Export the app using a development provisioning profile
To use a development provisioning profile, export a macOS app and select Development as the distribution method. This option embeds the development provisioning profile in the bundle and code signs the app with your development certificate. This allows the exported app to launch on the registered Mac computers contained in the provisioning profile. If you select “Automatically manage signing”, Xcode creates and manages the signing certificates and provisioning profiles for you.
Step 4: Test the app on a Mac
Before you distribute your app to testers, test the app on another registered Mac that you don’t use for development. The app will launch only on Mac computers specified in the development provisioning profile.
Note: If you can’t launch the app because it’s from an unidentified developer, bypass the security settings to launch the app. In the Finder, Control-click the app, choose Open from the menu, and in the dialog that appears, click Open.