date -s "2016-02-06 00:00:00"
hwclock --systohc
date -s "2016-02-06 00:00:00" hwclock --systohc
一、通用命令 date :print or set the system date and time stty -...
C: set "Ymd=%date:~,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%" C:\phpStudy...
@echo off set "Ymd=%date:~,4%%date:~5,2%%date:~8,2%" E:\S...
一. 通用命令: [6] date :print or set the system date and time2...
BEGIN set @p_name = CONCAT(dtable,'_p',date_format(DATE_A...
NASA and SpaceX have set a specific date and time target ...
功能 display or set date and time显示或设置日期和时间 用法 date - 显示本地时...
new Date() 获取当前时间date .getTime() 获取当前时间毫秒数 (同set).getF...
date//本年本地时间 hwclock-r//查看硬件时间 hwclock--set--date'2015-8-...
本文标题:Linux Set Date