

作者: 颖视英文 | 来源:发表于2019-08-11 11:08 被阅读0次

You can either travel or read,but either your body or soul must be on the way.


I started to plan this trip a month ahead for I know clearly how drastically the airplane tickets may rocket.Travelling can be so tiring that you need to find someone who's willing to shoulder the burden. Lucky me, I'm not travelling alone.

我喜欢自己计划旅程,I enjoy the feeling of having everything in control. It makes me feel that I'm in charge. Just kidding.

Travelling is more like giving us a chance to look at ourselves closely from different perspectives and embrace the newly found characteristics. When we travel, it's more like being released from a place where we find less freshness to jump into somewhere with everything lively.

During our stay in Yunnan, we tried to find the most intricate and most exquisite beauty in this place full of wonder. Besides being a teacher, I'm also an amateur photographer who loves recording life with my phone.

Among the four cities(昆明-大理-丽江-香格里拉) we've been to, Shangri-La(香格里拉)is my favorite. In this city, I felt everything pure(纯洁的) and sacred(神圣的). Normally I would take numorous pictures wherever I go, but I didn't dare to press the shutter(按下快门).这种美,是不加修饰的美,不局限于表象的美,是这个城市独特的美。


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