2020-01-12 ansible use ssh confi

2020-01-12 ansible use ssh confi

作者: 五大RobertWu伍洋 | 来源:发表于2020-04-18 17:14 被阅读0次

define alias for short input in bash mobaxterm

alias an="ansible"
alias ans='ansible --ssh-common-args="-F /home/mobaxterm/.ssh/config"'

use system ssh config file , must use -k , otherwise it fails

-k will ask for password, then mobaxterm ssh agent will help ssh login after any password typed

ans all -i "dep," -a "lsb_release -a" -k

an all -i "ng," -a "df -h" (fails)
an all -i "ng," -a "df -h" -k(works)

strange since -k is only required in ansible 2.9, dev branch is free of it.

an and ans is an alias of ansible

dep and ng is host alias configured in .ssh/config file:

Host 17 dep* depd
HostName 47.94.xx.xx

below is in ansible.cfg to use ssh client config file:

pipelining = True
ssh_args= -F ~/.ssh/config -o ForwardAgent=yes -o ControlMaster=auto

sample test and result

use an alias

 周六 2020-04-18  17:01:27  Administrator@RobertNote: /g/Projects/baishan/train/ansible_install/ansible_2.9
9411 $ an all -i "ng," -a "df -h" -k
SSH password:
[WARNING]: Skipping plugin (/g/Projects/baishan/train/ansible_install/ansible_2.9/lib/ansible/plugins/callback/osx_say.py) as it
seems to be invalid: name 'say' is not defined

Saturday 18 April 2020  17:02:39 +0800 (0:00:00.748)       0:00:00.748 ********
ng | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
文件系统        容量  已用  可用 已用% 挂载点
udev            3.9G  8.0K  3.9G    1% /dev
tmpfs           799M  456K  799M    1% /run
/dev/vda1        50G   19G   28G   41% /
none            4.0K     0  4.0K    0% /sys/fs/cgroup
none            5.0M     0  5.0M    0% /run/lock
none            3.9G  4.0K  3.9G    1% /run/shm
none            100M  4.0K  100M    1% /run/user

Saturday 18 April 2020  17:02:45 +0800 (0:00:06.079)       0:00:06.827 ********
shell ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.08s
Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 6 seconds

use ans alias as

9412 $ typa ans
ans is aliased to `ansible --ssh-common-args="-F /home/mobaxterm/.ssh/config"'
9410 $ ans all -i "dep," -a "lsb_release -a" -k
SSH password:
[WARNING]: Skipping plugin (/g/Projects/baishan/train/ansible_install/ansible_2.9/lib/ansible/plugins/callback/osx_say.py) as it
seems to be invalid: name 'say' is not defined

Saturday 18 April 2020  17:01:20 +0800 (0:00:00.957)       0:00:00.957 ********
dep | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
LSB Version:    core-2.0-amd64:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-amd64:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-amd64:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-amd64:core-3.2
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Release:        14.04
Codename:       trusty

Saturday 18 April 2020  17:01:27 +0800 (0:00:06.151)       0:00:07.108 ********
shell ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.15s
Playbook run took 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 6 seconds



      本文标题:2020-01-12 ansible use ssh confi
