

作者: shenyangrico | 来源:发表于2019-03-17 04:40 被阅读0次


Nothing would give me more pleasure,我荣幸之至

But I`m afraid I am a little busy at the moment and ...但最近真是抽不开身啊

I wonder if I might risk embarrassing you?也许会冒犯您

Because I should like to make myself clear.但我这人不喜欢绕弯子

The truth is, Lady Grantham, I am not a vain man.伯爵夫人,我有自知之明

I do not consider myself a very interesting person.我知道自己不是个有趣的人

But I feel it`s import that my future wife should think me so.但我未来的妻子认为我有趣很重要

A woman who finds me boring could never love me ,认为我无趣的女人永远不会爱上我

and I believe marriage should be based on love.而婚姻的前提是两情相悦

At least at the start.至少一开始该这样

Thank you for you faith in me ,Mr Napier.谢谢你对我的信任 奈皮尔先生

Your instincts do you credit.你的直觉令人赞赏

Good luck to you.祝你好运

In the midst of life, we are in death.人生自古谁无死

There are plenty more fish in the sea then ever came of it.天涯何处无芳草

Life can be terribly unfair, can`t it?人生很不公平,不是吗

It certainly can.有时候是的

Everything seems so golden one minute,一切本是那么美好

then turns to ashes the next.突然间就灰飞烟灭

Can I ask you a question,Carson?卡森 我能问个问题吗

Have you ever felt your life was somehow slipping away.你有没有感觉生命不知不觉地逝去

And there was nothing you could do to stop it.而你却无能为力

I think everyone feels that at one time or another.每个人时不时都会有这种感受

The odd thing is that I feel,奇怪的是

for the first time, really我第一次感觉到

I understand what it is to be happy.我理解了什么是幸福

It`s just I know that I won`t be.却知晓自己不会幸福

Oh, don`t say that, My Lady.别这么说 小姐

Don`t raise the white flag quite yet.别轻言放弃

Do you not think that we ought to say a few words?你不觉得该说点什么吗

What?Good riddance什么 终于摆脱了

That and your promise.还有你的承诺

Very well.好吧

I promise I will never again try to cure myself.我承诺再也不矫正我的腿了

I will spend my life happily as the butt of other`s jokes.就算是被人嘲笑 我也要开心的生活

And I will never mind them. 不能受其影响

We all carry scars, Mr Bates, inside or out.我们都有伤疤 贝茨先生 无论内伤还是外伤

You`re no different to the rest of us, remember that.你和别人没有不同 记住这点

I will try to.我会的

That I do promise.我保证

Good riddance!终于摆脱了


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