今天的口语课学习“Colds and the Flu”,从1918年流感大流行,讲到最近的Covid-19病毒大流行,以及人们日常经常发生的感冒症,除了就20个主题进行讨论外,每人还要写下一段自己对感冒和流感居家疗法(Home Remedies )的体会。
我在到达墨尔本之初的三个月里,也有过三次的感冒症状,经试纸检测都是Covid-19阴性,我没有去看医生,只是用居家疗法,2~3天就康复了。所以,我根据自己的经历,很快就能写下了我推荐的“Home Remedies”
I always tell friends who have the symptoms such as sneezing, having a sore throat and running nose to drink a cup of hot ginger water with a little honey at least three times a day.Then at night, before going to bed, take a Multivitamin and a Panadol, which can help you sleep well and get recover soon.