1.disprove 证明…是虚假的
transitive verb
: to prove to be false or wrong : refute
Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe disproved any lingering notions that the earth is flat.麦哲伦环球航行证明了“地球是平的”这一依然有人相信的观点的错误。
2.empirical 以经验为依据的
1 : originating in or based on observation or experience
2 : relying on experience or observation alone often without due regard for system and theory
3 : capable of being verified or disproved by observation or experiment
4 : of or relating to empiricism 经验主义
3.foil (不可数)箔;(可数)花剑
Chocolates in foil wrappers
be a foil to for somebody something
to emphasize the good qualities of another person or thing, by being very different from them
The simple stone floor is the perfect foil for the brightly coloured furnishings.简朴的地板颜色是搭配色彩明亮的家具的完美之选。
4.artillery(不可数)大炮;(可数)炮兵部队 the artillery
5.long-held 根深蒂固的
6.geocentric 地心的
7.humour 幽默感;感觉,心情;体液(旧时认为存在人体内,有四种,可影响健康和性格)
in a good an ill a bad humour
in a good or bad mood
8.phlogiston (古代化学认为可燃物中存在的)燃素
the hypothetical principle of fire regarded formerly as a material substance
9.aether/ether (旧)以太;乙醚
a medium that in the wave theory of light permeates all space and transmits transverse waves
10.cathode (电解池的)负极;(原电池的)正极
cathode ray 阴极射线
11.crater 陨石坑;火山口;(爆炸等形成的)坑
12.distillation 蒸馏法 distill 蒸馏
1 to make a liquid such as water or alcohol more pure by heating it so that it becomes a gas and then letting it cool. Drinks such as whisky are made this way distilled water
2 remove a chemical substance from a plant, for example by heating or pressing it
3 get the main ideas or facts from a much larger amount of information
13.overturn 掀翻;撤销(决定);推翻(政府)
if you overturn something, or if it overturns, it turns upside down or falls over on its side
Leslie jumped to her feet, overturning her chair.
His car overturned, trapping him inside.
overturn a decision verdict etc
to change a decision or result so that it becomes the opposite of what it was before
His conviction was overturned by the Court of Appeal.
14.quash 撤销;否决;平息
The High Court later quashed his conviction for murder.最高法院后来撤销了他犯谋杀罪成立的判决。
A hospital chief executive has quashed rumours that people will lose their jobs.医院的首席主管平息了裁员的谣言。
15.leapfrog 飞速发展;跳背游戏
to suddenly become better, more advanced etc than people or organizations that were previously better than you
16.combustion 燃烧
1.the process of burning
2.chemical activity which uses oxygen to produce light and heat
17.meteorologist 气象学家
18.stratum 地层;阶层 strata 复数形式
19.daunting 令人气馁的 daunt 使…畏惧
20.palaeontology 古生物学