1. 设置缩放级别
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView didSelectAnnotationView:(MKAnnotationView *)view {
// [mapView setCenterCoordinate:view.annotation.coordinate animated:YES];
[mapView setCenterCoordinate:view.annotation.coordinate zoomLevel:13 animated:YES];
@interface MKMapView (ZoomLevel)
CLLocationCoordinate2D centerCoord;
[mapView setCenterCoordinate:centerCoord zoomLevel:ZOOM_LEVEL animated:NO];
- (void)setCenterCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)centerCoordinate
#import "MKMapView+ZoomLevel.h"
#define MERCATOR_OFFSET 268435456
#define MERCATOR_RADIUS 85445659.44705395
@implementation MKMapView (ZoomLevel)
#pragma mark - Map conversion methods
- (double)longitudeToPixelSpaceX:(double)longitude
return round(MERCATOR_OFFSET + MERCATOR_RADIUS * longitude * M_PI / 180.0);
- (double)latitudeToPixelSpaceY:(double)latitude
return round(MERCATOR_OFFSET - MERCATOR_RADIUS * logf((1 + sinf(latitude * M_PI / 180.0)) / (1 - sinf(latitude * M_PI / 180.0))) / 2.0);
- (double)pixelSpaceXToLongitude:(double)pixelX
return ((round(pixelX) - MERCATOR_OFFSET) / MERCATOR_RADIUS) * 180.0 / M_PI;
- (double)pixelSpaceYToLatitude:(double)pixelY
return (M_PI / 2.0 - 2.0 * atan(exp((round(pixelY) - MERCATOR_OFFSET) / MERCATOR_RADIUS))) * 180.0 / M_PI;
#pragma mark - Helper methods
- (MKCoordinateSpan)coordinateSpanWithMapView:(MKMapView *)mapView
// convert center coordiate to pixel space
double centerPixelX = [self longitudeToPixelSpaceX:centerCoordinate.longitude];
double centerPixelY = [self latitudeToPixelSpaceY:centerCoordinate.latitude];
// determine the scale value from the zoom level
NSInteger zoomExponent = 20 - zoomLevel;
double zoomScale = pow(2, zoomExponent);
// scale the map’s size in pixel space
CGSize mapSizeInPixels = mapView.bounds.size;
double scaledMapWidth = mapSizeInPixels.width * zoomScale;
double scaledMapHeight = mapSizeInPixels.height * zoomScale;
// figure out the position of the top-left pixel
double topLeftPixelX = centerPixelX - (scaledMapWidth / 2);
double topLeftPixelY = centerPixelY - (scaledMapHeight / 2);
// find delta between left and right longitudes
CLLocationDegrees minLng = [self pixelSpaceXToLongitude:topLeftPixelX];
CLLocationDegrees maxLng = [self pixelSpaceXToLongitude:topLeftPixelX + scaledMapWidth];
CLLocationDegrees longitudeDelta = maxLng - minLng;
// find delta between top and bottom latitudes
CLLocationDegrees minLat = [self pixelSpaceYToLatitude:topLeftPixelY];
CLLocationDegrees maxLat = [self pixelSpaceYToLatitude:topLeftPixelY + scaledMapHeight];
CLLocationDegrees latitudeDelta = -1 * (maxLat - minLat);
// create and return the lat/lng span
MKCoordinateSpan span = MKCoordinateSpanMake(latitudeDelta, longitudeDelta);
return span;
#pragma mark - Public methods
- (void)setCenterCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)centerCoordinate
// clamp large numbers to 28
zoomLevel = MIN(zoomLevel, 28);
// use the zoom level to compute the region
MKCoordinateSpan span = [self coordinateSpanWithMapView:self centerCoordinate:centerCoordinate andZoomLevel:zoomLevel];
MKCoordinateRegion region = MKCoordinateRegionMake(centerCoordinate, span);
// set the region like normal
[self setRegion:region animated:animated];
2. 经纬度 度分秒-数字互转
48.713140 就是48度
60×0.7884=47.304,取整故秒为47秒(北纬31°13′44″N, 东经48°42′47″E)
(南纬-31°13′44″S, 西经-48°42′47″W)
@interface CoordinateHelper : NSObject
(34°01‘04“N, 93°20‘17“E) -> (34.0178524497, 93.3383025100)
NSString *dLat = @"34°01‘04“N";
NSString *dLon = @"93°20‘17“E";
CLLocationCoordinate2D coor = [self getCoordinate2DWithLatitude:dLat longitude:dLon];
//result 2 - (34.017776, 93.338058)
NSLog(@"result 2 - (%f, %f)", coor.latitude, coor.longitude);
+ (CLLocationCoordinate2D)getCoordinate2DWithLatitude:(NSString *)latitudeStr longitude:(NSString *)longitudestr;
(34.0178524497, 93.3383025100) -> (34°01‘04“N, 93°20‘17“E)
NSString *latString = @"34.0178524497";
NSString *lonString = @"93.3383025100";
NSString *rst =[self formatDegreeMinuteSecondWithLatitude:latString longitude:lonString];
//result 1 - (34°01‘04“N, 93°20‘17“E)
NSLog(@"result 1 - %@", rst);
+ (NSString *)formatDegreeMinuteSecondWithLatitude:(NSString *)latitude longitude:(NSString *)longitude;
#import "CoordinateHelper.h"
@implementation CoordinateHelper
#pragma mark - ================= 度分秒格式转换成经纬度 ======================
(34°01‘04“N, 93°20‘17“E) -> (34.0178524497, 93.3383025100)
NSString *dLat = @"34°01‘04“N";
NSString *dLon = @"93°20‘17“E";
CLLocationCoordinate2D coor = [self getCoordinate2DWithLatitude:dLat longitude:dLon];
//result 2 - (34.017776, 93.338058)
NSLog(@"result 2 - (%f, %f)", coor.latitude, coor.longitude);
+ (CLLocationCoordinate2D)getCoordinate2DWithLatitude:(NSString *)latitudeStr longitude:(NSString *)longitudestr {
if (!([[latitudeStr uppercaseString] containsString:@"N"] || [[latitudeStr uppercaseString] containsString:@"S"])) {
return CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitudeStr.doubleValue, longitudestr.doubleValue);
NSMutableString *mStr = [NSMutableString stringWithString:latitudeStr];
NSString *tmp = [mStr stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet letterCharacterSet]];
float latitude = [self string2Float:tmp];
mStr = [NSMutableString stringWithString:longitudestr];
tmp = [mStr stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet letterCharacterSet]];
float longitude = [self string2Float:tmp];
return CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(latitude, longitude);
34°01‘04“ -> [34,01,04,] -> [34, 01/60, 04/60/60] -> 34+01/60+04/60/60
+ (float)string2Float:(NSString *)string {
NSMutableArray *dmsStrs = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[string componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"°‘“"]]];
if (dmsStrs.count>3) [dmsStrs removeLastObject];
if (dmsStrs.count<3) return 0.0f;
float degree = [dmsStrs[0] doubleValue]/1;
float minute = [dmsStrs[1] doubleValue]/60;
float second = [dmsStrs[2] doubleValue]/60/60;
return degree+minute+second;
#pragma mark - ================= 经纬度转换成度分秒格式 ======================
(34.0178524497, 93.3383025100) -> (34°01‘04“N, 93°20‘17“E)
NSString *latString = @"34.0178524497";
NSString *lonString = @"93.3383025100";
NSString *rst =[self formatDegreeMinuteSecondWithLatitude:latString longitude:lonString];
//result 1 - (34°01‘04“N, 93°20‘17“E)
NSLog(@"result 1 - %@", rst);
+ (NSString *)formatDegreeMinuteSecondWithLatitude:(NSString *)latitude longitude:(NSString *)longitude {
int lan = [latitude intValue];
int lon = [longitude intValue];
//纬度 N S
NSString *suffixLan = lan>0?@"N":@"S";
//经度 E W
NSString *suffixLon = lon>0?@"E":@"W";
NSString *lanStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", [self convert2DMSFormat:latitude], suffixLan];
NSString *lonStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", [self convert2DMSFormat:longitude], suffixLon];
//(34°01‘04“N, 93°20‘17“E)
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(%@, %@)", lanStr, lonStr];
+ (NSString *)convert2DMSFormat:(NSString *)coordinateString {
/** 将经度或纬度整数d部分提取出来 */
int degree = [coordinateString intValue];
int minute = 0;
int second = 0;
NSString *passStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", coordinateString];
passStr = [self convertStringToInt:passStr outNum:&minute];
passStr = [self convertStringToInt:passStr outNum:&second];
/** 将经度或纬度字符串合并为(xx°xx')形式 */
NSString *string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2d°%.2d‘%.2d“", degree, minute, second];
return string;
//取小数点后面的数 度->分/秒
+ (NSString *)convertStringToInt:(NSString *)string outNum:(int *)num {
NSArray *array = [string componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
NSString *tmpStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"0.%@", array.lastObject];
double number = [tmpStr doubleValue] * 60.0;
string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f", number];
*num = (int)number;
return string;