You are working as a backend engineer for
. Recently, various users started abusing the company's API server with a flood of requests, and your team has decided to limit the rate at which a user can access certain API endpoints.
The domainapi.alice.com
is serverd by an application server. To study the effectiveness of varioius rate-limiting algorithms with realistic traffic, you have collected server logfiles, in which each request to the API server is recorded. The structure of the access logfile is:id user_ip timestamp http_request_url http_response_code user_client
Although many rate-limiting algorithms exist, you are interested in a sliding-window strategy, which limits the number of API calls to a maximum of 10 requests per second, per IP address. This means that for an arbitrary window of one-second duration, the API server responds to 10 or fewer API requests, per IP address.
Write a functionrateLimiter
that simulates the sliding window limiter described above. Specifically, the function accepts a inputArrayList<ArrayList<String>> logs
, in which each ArrayList in the first dimension corresponding to a line of log file and each String in the second dimension corresponding to a field of that line of log. The function should return a list of integers representing the request_id of the requests that are rejected by the rate-limiter, e.g.[23, 30, 55]
Additional requirements
- The duration of the sliding-window is exactly one second, and includes both extremes of the interval.
- Requests that are rejected also count towards the limit of 10 per seconds.
- Requests from the IP address should never be rate-limited, because this is an IP used by the internal Acme crawler that indexes the site.
- Requests to any URL started with
should never be rate-limited, because they correspond to the administrator pages of the Acme site.
- All entries in the input log will be chronologically ordered.
- There are no simultaneous requests.
- All fields described in the above log structure are guaranteed to be present, and have a valid value.
来保存{ip, queue}
- 对于二维ArrayList中的每一行,在Hashmap中创建其ip相对应的Queue。
- 对于每一行,取出其timestamp。检查其对应的Queue,从中丢弃所有一秒前的请求。对于剩余的请求,检查此时剩余请求的数量。如果大于10,则当前请求会被拒绝。将其id保存。并将当前请求继续放入Queue的末尾(因为题目要求被拒绝的请求也算)。如果小于10,则只进行放入Queue的操作。
- 重复这一过程直到遍历完所有的输入。
我们使用了一个HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>来存储所有的请求。则最坏情况下(所有请求都被存入)空间复杂度为
import java.util.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
public class RateLimiter {
public static List<Integer> rateLimiter(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> logs) {
List<Integer> rejectedRequestIds = new ArrayList<>();
if (logs == null || logs.size() == 0) {
return rejectedRequestIds;
if (logs.get(0) == null || logs.get(0).size() == 0) {
return rejectedRequestIds;
rejectedRequestIds = getInvalidRequest(logs);
return rejectedRequestIds;
pri static List<Integer> getInvalidRequest(ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> logs){
List<Integer> res = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Queue<ArrayList<String>>> map = new HashMap<>();
for (ArrayList<String> logLine : logs) {
// Skip the lines that don't controlled by rate limiting.
if (logLine.get(1).equals("") || logLine.get(3).startsWith("/admin/")) {
if(map.containsKey(logLine.get(1))) {
Queue<ArrayList<String>> queue = map.get(logLine.get(1));
// Remove all requests that is more than 1 seconds away
BigDecimal currTime = new BigDecimal(logLine.get(2));
while (
new BigDecimal(queue.peek().get(2)).add(new BigDecimal("1"))
) > 0
) {
// If there is still more than 10 requests within 1 seconds for this ip
// Current request is going to be rejected.
if( queue.size() >= 10) {
} else {
} else{
Queue<ArrayList<String>> queue = new LinkedList<ArrayList<String>>();
map.put(logLine.get(1), queue);
return res;