

作者: 史云龙 | 来源:发表于2017-09-08 18:07 被阅读0次

    九 NavigableMap相关的方法

    方法:NavigableMap<K,V> descendingMap();和NavigableSet<K> descendingKeySet();
    NavigableMap<K,V> headMap(K toKey, boolean inclusive);//从头开始的Map,是否包含Key
    SortedMap<K,V> headMap(K toKey);//从头开始的Map,不包含key NavigableMap<K,V> tailMap(K fromKey, boolean inclusive);//从key开始到尾部的子集合,是否包含Key
    SortedMap<K,V> tailMap(K fromKey);//从key开始到尾部的子集合,默认包含key

    9.1 稍小一点的键值对



         * @throws ClassCastException {@inheritDoc}
         * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null
         *         and this map uses natural ordering, or its comparator
         *         does not permit null keys
         * @since 1.6
        public Map.Entry<K,V> lowerEntry(K key) {
            return exportEntry(getLowerEntry(key));
         * Returns the entry for the greatest key less than the specified key; if
         * no such entry exists (i.e., the least key in the Tree is greater than
         * the specified key), returns {@code null}.
        final Entry<K,V> getLowerEntry(K key) {
            Entry<K,V> p = root;
            while (p != null) {
                int cmp = compare(key, p.key);//比较器比较结果
                if (cmp > 0) {//如果比较值大,表示查找的Key更大,就向右子树查找
                    if (p.right != null)//如果有右子树,就设置查找的值是右子树
                        p = p.right;
                        return p;
                } else {//如果小于0和等于0,表示查找的Key更小,或者相等
                    if (p.left != null) {//如果有左子树,就设置为左子树,需要返回小值,就向左子树查找。
                        p = p.left;
                    } else {//如果左子树为空,那么不可能找的更小的值了,并且找的的值比Key大。。。
                        Entry<K,V> parent = p.parent;//获取Parent值
                        Entry<K,V> ch = p;//获取当前值
                        while (parent != null && ch == parent.left) {
                            ch = parent;//将ch设为父
                            parent = parent.parent;//将父设为父的父,这样能够循环向根查找。
                        return parent;
            return null;
        static <K,V> Map.Entry<K,V> exportEntry(TreeMap.Entry<K,V> e) {
            return (e == null) ? null :
                new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<>(e);


         * An Entry maintaining an immutable key and value.  This class
         * does not support method <tt>setValue</tt>.  This class may be
         * convenient in methods that return thread-safe snapshots of
         * key-value mappings.
         * @since 1.6
        public static class SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V>
            implements Entry<K,V>, java.io.Serializable
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 7138329143949025153L;
            private final K key;
            private final V value;
            public SimpleImmutableEntry(K key, V value) {
                this.key   = key;
                this.value = value;
            public SimpleImmutableEntry(Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> entry) {
                this.key   = entry.getKey();
                this.value = entry.getValue();
            public K getKey() {
                return key;
            public V getValue() {
                return value;
            public V setValue(V value) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
            public boolean equals(Object o) {
                if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))
                    return false;
                Map.Entry<?,?> e = (Map.Entry<?,?>)o;
                return eq(key, e.getKey()) && eq(value, e.getValue());
            public int hashCode() {
                return (key   == null ? 0 :   key.hashCode()) ^
                       (value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode());
            public String toString() {
                return key + "=" + value;


     public Entry<K, V> lowerEntry(K key) {
            return immutableCopy(find(key, LOWER));
    private SimpleImmutableEntry<K, V> immutableCopy(Entry<K, V> entry) {
            return entry == null ? null : new SimpleImmutableEntry<K, V>(entry);


    public static class SimpleImmutableEntry<K, V>
                implements Map.Entry<K, V>, Serializable {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 7138329143949025153L;
            private final K key;
            private final V value;
            public SimpleImmutableEntry(K theKey, V theValue) {
                key = theKey;
                value = theValue;
             * Constructs an instance with the key and value of {@code copyFrom}.
            public SimpleImmutableEntry(Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> copyFrom) {
                key = copyFrom.getKey();
                value = copyFrom.getValue();
            public K getKey() {
                return key;
            public V getValue() {
                return value;
             * This base implementation throws {@code UnsupportedOperationException}
             * always.
            public V setValue(V object) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
            @Override public boolean equals(Object object) {
                if (this == object) {
                    return true;
                if (object instanceof Map.Entry) {
                    Map.Entry<?, ?> entry = (Map.Entry<?, ?>) object;
                    return (key == null ? entry.getKey() == null : key.equals(entry
                            && (value == null ? entry.getValue() == null : value
                return false;
            @Override public int hashCode() {
                return (key == null ? 0 : key.hashCode())
                        ^ (value == null ? 0 : value.hashCode());
            @Override public String toString() {
                return key + "=" + value;





    public Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> entrySet() {
            EntrySet es = entrySet;
            return (es != null) ? es : (entrySet = new EntrySet());
    class EntrySet extends AbstractSet<Map.Entry<K,V>> {
            public Iterator<Map.Entry<K,V>> iterator() {
                return new EntryIterator(getFirstEntry());
            public boolean contains(Object o) {
                if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))//判断对象是否属于Map.Entry
                    return false;
                Map.Entry<?,?> entry = (Map.Entry<?,?>) o;
                Object value = entry.getValue();//获取对象的值
                Entry<K,V> p = getEntry(entry.getKey());//获取对象的键值对
                return p != null && valEquals(p.getValue(), value);//键值对存在并且值相等
            public boolean remove(Object o) {
                if (!(o instanceof Map.Entry))//判断对象是否属于Map.Entry
                    return false;
                Map.Entry<?,?> entry = (Map.Entry<?,?>) o;
                Object value = entry.getValue();
                Entry<K,V> p = getEntry(entry.getKey());
                if (p != null && valEquals(p.getValue(), value)) {//如果键值对存在并且值相等
                    return true;
                return false;
            public int size() {//TreeMap的Size
                return TreeMap.this.size();
            public void clear() {//TreeMap清空
            public Spliterator<Map.Entry<K,V>> spliterator() {
                return new EntrySpliterator<K,V>(TreeMap.this, null, null, 0, -1, 0);
    final class EntryIterator extends PrivateEntryIterator<Map.Entry<K,V>> {
            EntryIterator(Entry<K,V> first) {
            public Map.Entry<K,V> next() {
                return nextEntry();//下一个键值对



    public Set<Entry<K, V>> entrySet() {
            EntrySet result = entrySet;
            return result != null ? result : (entrySet = new EntrySet());
    class EntrySet extends AbstractSet<Map.Entry<K, V>> {
            @Override public int size() {
                return size;
            public Iterator<Entry<K, V>> iterator() {
                return new MapIterator<Entry<K, V>>(root == null ? null : root.first()) {
                    public Entry<K, V> next() {
                        return stepForward();
            @Override public boolean contains(Object o) {
                return o instanceof Entry && findByEntry((Entry<?, ?>) o) != null;
            @Override public boolean remove(Object o) {
                if (!(o instanceof Entry)) {
                    return false;
                Node<K, V> node = findByEntry((Entry<?, ?>) o);
                if (node == null) {
                    return false;
                return true;
            @Override public void clear() {

    10.2 Key的集合,Key的迭代器



    public Set<K> keySet() {
            return navigableKeySet();
    public NavigableSet<K> navigableKeySet() {
            KeySet<K> nks = navigableKeySet;
            return (nks != null) ? nks : (navigableKeySet = new KeySet<>(this));
    static final class KeySet<E> extends AbstractSet<E> implements NavigableSet<E> {
            private final NavigableMap<E, ?> m;
            KeySet(NavigableMap<E,?> map) { m = map; }
            public Iterator<E> iterator() {
                if (m instanceof TreeMap)//m是TreeMap
                    return ((TreeMap<E,?>)m).keyIterator();//TreeMap的迭代器
                    return ((TreeMap.NavigableSubMap<E,?>)m).keyIterator();
            public Iterator<E> descendingIterator() {//翻转迭代器
                if (m instanceof TreeMap)//m是TreeMap
                    return ((TreeMap<E,?>)m).descendingKeyIterator();
                    return ((TreeMap.NavigableSubMap<E,?>)m).descendingKeyIterator();
            public int size() { return m.size(); }//返回map的size
            public boolean isEmpty() { return m.isEmpty(); }//判断map是否为空
            public boolean contains(Object o) { return m.containsKey(o); }//是否包含key
            public void clear() { m.clear(); }//map的清空
            public E lower(E e) { return m.lowerKey(e); }//小一些的Key
            public E floor(E e) { return m.floorKey(e); }//地板上的key
            public E ceiling(E e) { return m.ceilingKey(e); }//天花板的Key
            public E higher(E e) { return m.higherKey(e); }//大一些的Key
            public E first() { return m.firstKey(); }//第一个Key,就是最小的Key
            public E last() { return m.lastKey(); }//最后一个Key,就是最大的Key
            public Comparator<? super E> comparator() { return m.comparator(); }//返回树的比较器
            public E pollFirst() {//把第一个移除
                Map.Entry<E,?> e = m.pollFirstEntry();
                return (e == null) ? null : e.getKey();
            public E pollLast() {//把最后一个移除
                Map.Entry<E,?> e = m.pollLastEntry();
                return (e == null) ? null : e.getKey();
            public boolean remove(Object o) {//移除一个存在的对象
                int oldSize = size();//集合大小
                return size() != oldSize;//判断size是否等于原来的size来判断是否移除成功
            public NavigableSet<E> subSet(E fromElement, boolean fromInclusive,
                                          E toElement,   boolean toInclusive) {
                return new KeySet<>(m.subMap(fromElement, fromInclusive,
                                              toElement,   toInclusive));
            public NavigableSet<E> headSet(E toElement, boolean inclusive) {
                return new KeySet<>(m.headMap(toElement, inclusive));
            public NavigableSet<E> tailSet(E fromElement, boolean inclusive) {
                return new KeySet<>(m.tailMap(fromElement, inclusive));
            public SortedSet<E> subSet(E fromElement, E toElement) {
                return subSet(fromElement, true, toElement, false);
            public SortedSet<E> headSet(E toElement) {
                return headSet(toElement, false);
            public SortedSet<E> tailSet(E fromElement) {
                return tailSet(fromElement, true);
            public NavigableSet<E> descendingSet() {
                return new KeySet<>(m.descendingMap());
            public Spliterator<E> spliterator() {
                return keySpliteratorFor(m);
    Iterator<K> keyIterator() {
            return new KeyIterator(getFirstEntry());
    final class KeyIterator extends PrivateEntryIterator<K> {
            KeyIterator(Entry<K,V> first) {
            public K next() {
                return nextEntry().key;//获取下一个键值对的Key



    @Override public Set<K> keySet() {
            KeySet result = keySet;
            return result != null ? result : (keySet = new KeySet());
    class KeySet extends AbstractSet<K> implements NavigableSet<K> {
            @Override public int size() {
                return size;
            @Override public Iterator<K> iterator() {
                return new MapIterator<K>(root == null ? null : root.first()) {
                    public K next() {
                        return stepForward().key;//向前一步Entry的Key
            public Iterator<K> descendingIterator() {
                return new MapIterator<K>(root == null ? null : root.last()) {
                    public K next() {
                        return stepBackward().key;
            @Override public boolean contains(Object o) {
                return containsKey(o);
            @Override public boolean remove(Object key) {
                return removeInternalByKey(key) != null;
            @Override public void clear() {
            public Comparator<? super K> comparator() {
                return TreeMap.this.comparator();
             * Navigable methods.
            public K first() {
                return firstKey();
            public K last() {
                return lastKey();
            public K lower(K key) {
                return lowerKey(key);
            public K floor(K key) {
                return floorKey(key);
            public K ceiling(K key) {
                return ceilingKey(key);
            public K higher(K key) {
                return higherKey(key);
            public K pollFirst() {
                Entry<K, V> entry = internalPollFirstEntry();
                return entry != null ? entry.getKey() : null;
            public K pollLast() {
                Entry<K, V> entry = internalPollLastEntry();
                return entry != null ? entry.getKey() : null;
             * View factory methods.
            public NavigableSet<K> subSet(K from, boolean fromInclusive, K to, boolean toInclusive) {
                return TreeMap.this.subMap(from, fromInclusive, to, toInclusive).navigableKeySet();
            public SortedSet<K> subSet(K fromInclusive, K toExclusive) {
                return TreeMap.this.subMap(fromInclusive, true, toExclusive, false).navigableKeySet();
            public NavigableSet<K> headSet(K to, boolean inclusive) {
                return TreeMap.this.headMap(to, inclusive).navigableKeySet();
            public SortedSet<K> headSet(K toExclusive) {
                return TreeMap.this.headMap(toExclusive, false).navigableKeySet();
            public NavigableSet<K> tailSet(K from, boolean inclusive) {
                return TreeMap.this.tailMap(from, inclusive).navigableKeySet();
            public SortedSet<K> tailSet(K fromInclusive) {
                return TreeMap.this.tailMap(fromInclusive, true).navigableKeySet();
            public NavigableSet<K> descendingSet() {
                return new BoundedMap(false, null, NO_BOUND, null, NO_BOUND).navigableKeySet();

    10.3 值的集合,值得集合的迭代器



    public Collection<V> values() {
            Collection<V> vs = values;
            return (vs != null) ? vs : (values = new Values());
    final class ValueIterator extends PrivateEntryIterator<V> {
            ValueIterator(Entry<K,V> first) {
            public V next() {
                return nextEntry().value;//下一个Entry的值
    class Values extends AbstractCollection<V> {
            public Iterator<V> iterator() {
                return new ValueIterator(getFirstEntry());
            public int size() {
                return TreeMap.this.size();
            public boolean contains(Object o) {
                return TreeMap.this.containsValue(o);
            public boolean remove(Object o) {
                for (Entry<K,V> e = getFirstEntry(); e != null; e = successor(e)) {
                    if (valEquals(e.getValue(), o)) {
                        return true;
                return false;
            public void clear() {
            public Spliterator<V> spliterator() {
                return new ValueSpliterator<K,V>(TreeMap.this, null, null, 0, -1, 0);



    public Collection<V> values() {
            if (valuesCollection == null) {
                valuesCollection = new AbstractCollection<V>() {
                    @Override public int size() {
                        return AbstractMap.this.size();
                    @Override public boolean contains(Object object) {
                        return containsValue(object);
                    @Override public Iterator<V> iterator() {
                        return new Iterator<V>() {
                            Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> setIterator = entrySet().iterator();
                            public boolean hasNext() {
                                return setIterator.hasNext();
                            public V next() {
                                return setIterator.next().getValue();
                            public void remove() {
            return valuesCollection;

    10.4 公共代码


    final Entry<K,V> getFirstEntry() {
            Entry<K,V> p = root;
            if (p != null)
                while (p.left != null)
                    p = p.left;
            return p;
    static <K,V> TreeMap.Entry<K,V> successor(Entry<K,V> t) {
            if (t == null)
                return null;
            else if (t.right != null) {
                Entry<K,V> p = t.right;
                while (p.left != null)
                    p = p.left;
                return p;
            } else {
                Entry<K,V> p = t.parent;
                Entry<K,V> ch = t;
                while (p != null && ch == p.right) {
                    ch = p;
                    p = p.parent;
                return p;
    static <K,V> Entry<K,V> predecessor(Entry<K,V> t) {
            if (t == null)
                return null;
            else if (t.left != null) {
                Entry<K,V> p = t.left;
                while (p.right != null)
                    p = p.right;
                return p;
            } else {
                Entry<K,V> p = t.parent;
                Entry<K,V> ch = t;
                while (p != null && ch == p.left) {
                    ch = p;
                    p = p.parent;
                return p;
    abstract class PrivateEntryIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
            Entry<K,V> next;//下一个
            Entry<K,V> lastReturned;//最后返回的对象
            int expectedModCount;//期望修改次数
            PrivateEntryIterator(Entry<K,V> first) {
                expectedModCount = modCount;
                lastReturned = null;
                next = first;
            public final boolean hasNext() {
                return next != null;
            final Entry<K,V> nextEntry() {
                Entry<K,V> e = next;
                if (e == null)//如果为null表示没有下一个元素了
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();
                if (modCount != expectedModCount)
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
                next = successor(e);//指向了next的下一个
                lastReturned = e;//最后返回指向e
                return e;//将e返回
            final Entry<K,V> prevEntry() {
                Entry<K,V> e = next;//
                if (e == null)
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();
                if (modCount != expectedModCount)
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
                next = predecessor(e);//指向前一个对象
                lastReturned = e;//最后的返回值指向e
                return e;//返回e
            public void remove() {
                if (lastReturned == null)
                    throw new IllegalStateException();
                if (modCount != expectedModCount)
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
                // deleted entries are replaced by their successors
                if (lastReturned.left != null && lastReturned.right != null)
                    next = lastReturned;//将next指向最后的返回值
                expectedModCount = modCount;//修改期望修改次数
                lastReturned = null;//最后的返回值设为空


    abstract class MapIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> {
            protected Node<K, V> next;
            protected Node<K, V> last;
            protected int expectedModCount = modCount;
            MapIterator(Node<K, V> next) {
                this.next = next;
            public boolean hasNext() {
                return next != null;
            protected Node<K, V> stepForward() {
                if (next == null) {
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();
                if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
                last = next;
                next = next.next();//调用节点对象的下一步方法
                return last;
            protected Node<K, V> stepBackward() {
                if (next == null) {
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();
                if (modCount != expectedModCount) {
                    throw new ConcurrentModificationException();
                last = next;
                next = next.prev();
                return last;
            public void remove() {
                if (last == null) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException();
                expectedModCount = modCount;
                last = null;
    private Entry<K, V> internalPollFirstEntry() {
            if (root == null) {
                return null;
            Node<K, V> result = root.first();
            return result;
    private Entry<K, V> internalPollLastEntry() {
            if (root == null) {
                return null;
            Node<K, V> result = root.last();
            return result;
    public K ceilingKey(K key) {
            Entry<K, V> entry = find(key, CEILING);
            return entry != null ? entry.getKey() : null;
    public K firstKey() {
            if (root == null) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            return root.first().getKey();
    public K floorKey(K key) {
            Entry<K, V> entry = find(key, FLOOR);
            return entry != null ? entry.getKey() : null;
    public K higherKey(K key) {
            Entry<K, V> entry = find(key, HIGHER);
            return entry != null ? entry.getKey() : null;
    public K lastKey() {
            if (root == null) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();
            return root.last().getKey();
    public K lowerKey(K key) {
            Entry<K, V> entry = find(key, LOWER);
            return entry != null ? entry.getKey() : null;


    1. TreeMap,在Java和Android中使用的底层数据结构不同。Java中使用的是红黑树,Android中使用的是AVL树
    2. 关于迭代器效率问题,几种迭代器效率差不多,而且迭代器的实现可以看做是将树转换成了楼房,每层楼房的间隔(地板和天花板)就是一个键值对。而且楼房的底层是“最小值”,楼房的顶层是“最大值”,增删改查时间复杂度都是log(n)
    3. 还有一些花式操作,就查找第一层,查找最后一层,查找前一层,查找最后一层,首部子树,尾部子树等等。
    4. 关于楼房的问题,关于遍历树生成楼房的问题,从最小点开始,就是左子树的最左侧的节点。然后开始遍历
      4.1 空节点,没有后继直接返回即可
      4.2 有右子树,返回右子树的“最小节点”,也就是下一楼层
      4.3 无右子树,后继节点就是该节点所在的左子树的第一个祖先节点。这个点考虑可以看做是中序遍历。右子树遍历完成,向根遍历,直到改点所在的子数是是节点的左子树,那么此时父节点就是你要找的店。可以当做中序遍历。





