- 2020-09-13 new words from The Li
- 2020-09-13 new words from The Li
- 2020-09-08 new words from The Li
- 2020-09-23 new words from the Li
- 2020-09-24 new words from the Li
- 2020-09-11 new words from The Li
- 2020-10-02 new words from The Li
- 2020-09-07 new words from the li
- 2020-09-10 new words from The Li
- 2020-10-09 new words from the li
possess /pəˈzes/ v.
to have or own something, or to have a particular quality.
2.precious /ˈpreʃ.əs/ adj.
of great value because of being rare, expensive, or important.
acquainted /əˈkweɪn.tɪd/ adj.
knowing or being familiar with a person. -
endure /ɪnˈdʒʊər/ v.
to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful. -
bewildered /bɪˈwɪl.dəd/ adj.
confused and uncertain. -
reproach /rɪˈprəʊtʃ/ n.
something that you say or do to criticize someone, especially for not being successful or for not doing what is expected: