

作者: snow芳 | 来源:发表于2018-10-05 09:49 被阅读0次


    An  unusual day

    Kathy usually gets up at 6:30, but this morning, she didn't hear her alarm.

    As a result, she overslept.

    She didn't get up until 7:00, 30 minutes later than usual.

    As a result, she didn't have time to cook breakfast for her children.

    -Why did she oversleep?
    –She didn't hear her alarm.
    -Why didn't she cook breakfast?
    –She didn't have time.

    Today Kathy and her kids left home early.

    They usually leave home at 7:30, but today they left at 7:15.

    They left early because they had to buy breakfast on their way to school.

    -Why did they leave home early?
    –They had to buy breakfast on their way to school.
    -What did they have to buy on their way to school?
    –their breakfast.

    It usually takes 45 minutes to drive her kids to school, but today it took longer.

    It took them longer because they stopped for breakfast along the way.

    It took 15 minutes for them to have breakfast.

    They ate at a little coffee shop along the side of the road.

    -How long does it usually take to drive her kids to school?
    –It usually takes 45 minutes.
    -How long did it take them to have breakfast?
    –It took 15 minutes.

    After eating breakfast, they got back into their car.

    On most days the traffic isn't too bad in the morning.

    But this morning, it was much worse than usual.

    The cars were moving very slowly.

    As a result it took them longer than usual to get to school.

    -What did they do after eating breakfast?
    –They got back into their car.

    One of her children got to school on time, but the other two were late.

    They were late because their schools are farther away.

    They were both about 10 minutes late to school.

    -How late were two of her children?
    –They were about 10 minutes late.

    When Kathy finally got home she cleaned her house as usual.

    She vacuumed the living room and cleaned the bathroom.

    英 ['vækjʊəm]  美 ['vækjʊəm]
    n. 真空;空间;真空吸尘器
    adj. 真空的;利用真空的;产生真空的
    vt. 用真空吸尘器清扫

    Then she talked with her friend on the phone as usual.

    When she finished talking with her friend she got into her car.

    She put the key into the ignition, and tried to start the engine.

    But the car's engine didn't start.

    英 [ɪg'nɪʃ(ə)n]  美 [ɪɡ'nɪʃən]
    n. 点火,点燃;着火,燃烧;点火开关,点火装置

    Her car battery was dead, so she had to call for help.

    英 ['bætri]  美 ['bæt(ə)rɪ]
    n. [电] 电池,蓄电池
    -What happened when she tried to start her car?
    –The car's engine didn't start.
    -Why did she have to call for help?
    –to get a new battery.

    After getting a new battery for her car, the engine started.

    Then Kathy drove to the mall to meet her friend.

    She arrived to the mall an hour late but her friend was waiting for her.

    They had lunch together and then they went shopping.

    They both bought new shoes and some things for their kids.

    Kathy bought a new tie for her husband.

    -What did Kathy buy for her husband?
    –a new tie.
    -Who was waiting for her at the mall?
    –Her friend was waiting for her.

    It's now 3:00 and everything is going as usual.

    Kathy doesn't want anything else to go wrong.

    She wants the rest of the day to go as usual.

    She doesn't want any more surprises.

    And tomorrow she won't oversleep.

    She never wants to oversleep again.

    -What doesn't Kathy want?
    –more surprises.

    bus schedule

    Here is a bus schedule at a bus stop.

    On most days the buses come on schedule but sometimes they don't.

    Yesterday for example, several buses were late.

    This is because the traffic yesterday was much heavier than usual.

    -How was the traffic yesterday?
    –It was much heavier than usual.
    -Why were several buses late?
    –The traffic was heavier than usual.

    Bus number 38 was supposed to come at 8:40, but it was 5 minutes late.

    It didn't come until 8:45.

    Bus number 60 was supposed to come at 8:30. But yesterday it didn't come until 8:40.

    It was 10 minutes late.

    Not one bus come early.

    -How many buses came early?
    –Not one bus came early.

    As a result of the delays one man got on the wrong bus.

    n. 延迟;延期(delay的复数)
    v. 延误(delay的单数第三人称);推迟

    He wanted to go to the airport so he wanted to get on bus number 38.

    He expected it to come at 8:40.

    Instead he got on bus number 60, which came at 8:40.

    He didn't notice that it was the wrong bus.

    It didn't go to the airport.

    As a result he missed his flight.

    -What time was bus number 38 supposed to come?
    -Why did the man miss his flight?
    –He got on the wrong bus.


    Activities & food

    Weddings are where two people get married. This man and woman are getting married.

    The building in the middle is an office building. Many people come to work here during the week.

    These people are at a dance party.

    The woman in the green dress is dancing with her boyfriend.

    These two people are meeting for the first time.

    They are shaking hands.

    This young boy is brushing his teeth.

    He brushes his teeth several times a day.

    -Who are shaking hands?
    –They are shaking hands.

    Candies and cakes are sweet because they are made with lots of sugar.

    Eating too many sweets is not good for your teeth.

    Lemons and grapefruit take a little sour so some people don't like them.

    n. 葡萄;葡萄酒;葡萄树;葡萄色
    n. 西柚;葡萄柚;葡萄柚树

    Some sour tasting foods have a lot of vitamin C.

    英-['vɪtəmɪn; 'vaɪt-]
    n. [生化] 维生素;[生化] 维他命

    These red peppers are very hot and spicy.

    bell pepper菜椒,甜椒,灯笼椒,柿子椒
    Red pepper红椒,红辣椒,辣椒,红胡椒
    adj. 辛辣的;香的,多香料的;下流的

    Eating hot or spicy food rises body temperature so don't eat them before going into bed.

    These foods are deep-fried and greasy.

    英-['griːsɪ; -zɪ]
    adj. 油腻的;含脂肪多的;谄媚的

    Greasy foods have a lot of calories, so don't eat them if you want to lose weight.

    Healthy foods are usually nature and don't include dangerous chemical.

    Fruits and vegetables are examples of healthy foods.

    -How do lemons and great food taste?
    –a little sour.


    Meeting at the airport

    W:Hey, where are you?

    I don't see you anywhere.

    M:I'm on the subway.

    W:My flight arrived early and I'm tired.

    M:I'm sorry to be late. I'll be there as fast as I can.

    -Where is she?
    –She is at the airport.

    W:Where are you now?

    M:There are three more stops.

    I'll be there in ten minutes.

    W:I'll meet you at the bus stop in front of terminal 2.

    Then we can get a taxi.

    M:OK. I'll look for you in front of terminal 2.

    See you soon.

    -What are they going to do after they meet?
    –Take a taxi.

    Staying up late

    Lisa:What's the matter, Tom?

    Tom:I don't feel well.

    Lisa:Are you sick?

    Tom:No, I don't think so. I'm just tired.

    Lisa:Didn't you get enough sleep?

    Tom:No, I didn't. I went to bed later than usual last night.

    -Why didn't he get enough sleep?
    –He went to bed later than usual.

    Lisa:What time did you go to bed?

    Tom:I didn't go to bed until 12:00.

    Lisa:Why did you stay up so late?

    Tom:I was watching some videos on line.

    -He didn't go to bed until when?
    - He didn't go to bed until 12:00.

    Lisa:What kind of videos?

    Tom:Music videos from all over the world. Lisa:Really?

    Tom:Sure, I'll send you some links if you like.

    n. [计] 链环,环节;联系,关系
    vt. 连接,连结;联合,结合
    vi. 连接起来;联系在一起;将人或物连接或联系起来

    Lisa:Thanks, I like music videos too. They are really fun.

    Tom:Just don't stay up too late.

    Lisa:Don't worry, I won't stay up too late. I need my sleep.

    -Why won't she stay up too late?
    –She needs enough sleep. He was watching videos.

    He didn't go to bed until 12:00.



