《Beyond the Label》读后感3

《Beyond the Label》读后感3

作者: 美丽心琴 | 来源:发表于2019-04-22 12:10 被阅读0次


    周末在家偷空终于囫囵吞枣地看完了这本书,浮光掠影式的了解了主人公莫林(Maureen Chiquet)的职业生涯。






    写完这些之后,因为好奇就在google上搜索了一下Maureen Chiquet,没想到了解到了更多的内容。知道了更多关于她的个人经历之后,对这本书的写作背景有了更多的了解,也对Maureen Chiquet本人,及“Beyond th e label”有了再进一步的认识。(因为关于她的中文介绍并不多,而且都停留在她担任Chanel CEO及之前的信息)

    根据Google上显示的信息,Maureen Chiquet 是在2016年1月份被自己作为全球CEO服务了10年之久的Channel公司解雇了。(But in January 2016, in the middle of the haute couture shows in Paris, Ms. Chiquet, then the long-term global chief executive of Chanel, was abruptly fired. As one of the few women at the top of any fashion brand, let alone the most mysterious and hallowed French one, it was a particularly public fall, and her closet, and life, underwent something of a dramatic makeover.)



    像许多的普通人一样,她也一度情绪崩溃,长达数月以泪洗面。而随后,通过Beyond the Label这本自传性质的书本写作,她告别了过去的生活重新开始新的人生。如她自己所说的,这本书她没有功利性写为“成功的10个秘密”等类似博人眼球的标题,而是希望更加本真的展示她的心路历程。

    “I feel both liberated and terrified,” Ms. Chiquet said about relinquishing of corporate identity and title. “I was putting together my LinkedIn profile and I thought: ‘What do I call myself? Author? Speaker? Consultant?’” She chose the first two. Still, she was worried. “Do I have a sell-by date? What if this doesn’t work?”

    She paused, then said: “I don’t want to hold myself back. I don’t want to do ‘The 10 Secrets for Success.’ I’m much more interested in the raw stories.”

    “A lot of what women have been presented as a model is about perfection,” she added. “But then at home it all falls apart. It’s not easy. You have to make compromises. I can’t tell you the amount of time I spent crying on an airplane or alone in a hotel room. But you need to say: This happens. It’s O.K.”





        本文标题:《Beyond the Label》读后感3
