【英文】BBC纪录片行星地球Planet Earth 2-9

【英文】BBC纪录片行星地球Planet Earth 2-9

作者: 年年underage | 来源:发表于2022-08-01 00:23 被阅读0次

    PLANET EARTH Mountains

    She greets her one year old cub. Her den(窝,题外话:丝袜的DEN指的是丹尼数denier) is well chosen. It has exceptional views of the surrounding cliffs. On these treacherous slopes no hunter other than the snow leopard would have a chance of catching such fragile prey. A female with young makes an easier target. Her large paws give an excellent grip and that long tail helps her balance. Silently she positions(position一般是做名词使用,这里使用的是动词形式,表示安放) herself above her prey. She returns with nothing.

    Golden eagles patrol(本意为巡逻,这里我个人意译为徘徊) these cliffs in search of the weak or injured. With a 2 meter wing span this bird could easily take a young markhor. Eagles hunt by sight and the thickening veil of snow forces them to give up. For the leopard the snow provides cover and creates an opportunity. The worsening weather dampens the sound of her approach allowing her to get within striking distance. It was an act of desperation to try and catch such a large animal.



          本文标题:【英文】BBC纪录片行星地球Planet Earth 2-9
