20190218-Wait wait wait

20190218-Wait wait wait

作者: YAN_tdlorang | 来源:发表于2019-02-18 20:26 被阅读15次


    1. Wait :t 是做口型,不发出声即可,并不是省音

    2. wait for 放在句子末尾,不弱读

    3. our place: our不全读,ə 即可

    4. feel fi:l 中间有j音,但是不能太重

    5. should have done 读的时候就是shoulda done

    6. All our  nights  ɔl aʊə nights


    1. All I do is wait :动词不定式作表语,前面有do,省略了to


    1. nit-picking:挑刺的

    (补充)splitting hairs:吹毛求疵

    2. carry weight 有分量;有影响

    The words carry strong weight. 话说的有点过

    3. well-spent 充实;值得

    Tonight  is well-spent. 今晚过得很好。

    4. tardy=late ˈtɑ:rdi  晚的,迟的;

    tardy reply (正式)

    5. As much as I should 尽管

    As much as I hate this guy, I have to be polite. 尽管我很讨厌这个人,但我还是要有礼貌。

    6. Broken down (车)坏了 My car was broken down.

    break down做短语动词,表达情绪失控。The little girl broke down and cried. 那个小女孩情绪失控痛哭了。

    7. I hate to say that, but you are fired. 虽然我不想这么说,但是你被炒鱿鱼了

    8. Devil

    deviled eggs 一种用鸡蛋搅拌的冷菜

    talk of the devil 说曹操,曹操就来

    devils's advocate 唱反调

    Teachers often play devil's advocate to provoke discussion in the classroom.


    better the devil you know 做生不如做熟,改变可能更糟糕,一动不如一静

    A:Why don't you just quit your job if you are so miserable.

    B: Who knows if a new job will be any better? Better the devil you know!




          本文标题:20190218-Wait wait wait
