

作者: 毛豆姑娘 | 来源:发表于2018-11-13 19:30 被阅读62次

Our eyes are not viewers. They're also projectors that are running a second story over the picture that we see in front of us all the time. Fear is writing that script.

Now fear is going to be a player in your life, but you get to decide how much. You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about the pathway to the future, but all there will ever be is what's happening here and the decisions we make in this moment, which are based in either love or fear.

So many of us choose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. What we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect, so we never dare to ask the universe for it.

I'm saying that you can ask the universe for it.

Life doesn't happen to you. It happens for you. As far as I can tell, it's just about letting the universe know what you want and working toward it, while letting go of how it comes to pass.

Why not take a chance on faith? Not religion, but faith. Not hope, but faith.

I don't believe in hope. Hope is a beggar. Hope walks through the fire and faith leaps over it.

You are ready and able to do beautiful things in this world and after you walk through those doors today, you will only ever have two choices, love or fear.

Choose love, and don't ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.


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