2018-01-23 weather:sunny

2018-01-23 weather:sunny

作者: Yshca | 来源:发表于2018-01-23 23:19 被阅读0次

    What a good day!After a few week's serious smog,the air quality index finally went to the fine level,at about 68,which means that I can do some outdoor activities.During the noon,I took a Wushu class in order to defend myself abroad.The most exciting thing today was that I received the gift from my English teacher.From the gift,I knew that she still love me and miss me very much.In the afternoon,I surfed the internet to learn about some universities in Canada so that I could make some pre-preparations before applying to them.In the evening,I still practice my English,and after typing this diary,I will go to bed.So it is a common day.



          本文标题:2018-01-23 weather:sunny
