SendEnv LANG LC_*
解决方案; 将对应的Terminal中的‘Set locale environment variables on ...
1.IDEA Terminal替换成Git Bash在IDEA中,打开settings,设置相应的bash路径se...
WARNING: CocoaPods requires your terminal to beusingUTF-8...
Github - WebViewJavascriptBridge An iOS/OSX bridge for se...
If you get the following error:-bash: warning: setlocale:...
WARNING in configurationThe 'mode' option has not been se...
WARNING: Ignoring invalid value 'share' for parameter 'se...
terminal下输入bash,进入base terminal不见了,可以从下面打开
在terminal下: vim ~/.bash_profile 开发环境配置 source ~/.bash_pro...
打开terminal,输入touch .bash_profile,新建文件 输入vi .bash_profile,...
本文标题:OSX Terminal: -bash: warning: se